Telling the 501st

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Place: Courtyard of Republic military base on Coruscant

20 minutes after Dakota had been informed of Fives' death.

Dakota P.O.V.

Dakota had left his and Rex's quarters on the Republic military base here on Coruscant, he requested the whole 501st meet him in the recreational area where clones who weren't on missions or doing anything at the base would hang out at, He looked at hus armor, it looked like their best friend and fellow clone trooper commander Cody's but was the signature blue color of the 501st legion and also had the blue stripes going down the arms. Dakota wore the phase 2 armor, but he kept his phase 1 helmet. He liked the phase 1 design better so he got to keep it. As he arrived at the recreational area he saw the men either talking, throwing a football, or playing basketball, when he met the clones, he showed what we did on earth for fun and they started doing it too. As Dakota got the edge of the courtyard, Jesse saw him and yelled, " Hey guys the commander is here!".

Jesse P.O.V.

He saw the kid coming, when Dakota first met Rex, Rex called him kid and the nickname stuck, he doesn't mind being called kid, as Jesse saw him coming, he yelled to the others that he was here. He noticed that Dakota looked kind of sad and wondered what was wrong as they gathered around to see why he requested that the entire 501st be there.

Dakota P.O.V.

As the men all gathered around, Dakota was nervous, how would he tell them that both Tup and Fives had died? He said, "Okay everyone I don't know how to tell you all this but", he couldn't say it, then Jesse said, "Don't worry we can handle it." Dakota said," all right them here it comes." and he told them everything that General Skywalker had told him.

Jesse P.O.V.

As Dakota was finishing, he couldn't believe it, that Tup and Fives were dead. Jesse listened to Dakota finish the story, he was saying, "The general then told me that Fives had died in Rex's arms as Fox and two men went to get a medic." All of the men were silent after he finished, two of their best men and greatest brothers were dead, then Dakota said," You're all dismissed.". Dakota walked off, all of the men walked away sadder then when they had shown up.

Sorry this part is short, I have chores to do. I'll get the next part up as soon as possible. Jedimaster129 out. See ya.

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