Chapter 22

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Harry's POV

Louis's eyes widened and he shut up staring at me like i was missing my nose.

"What Uncle?" Eleanor asked.

He was back. He had her. And he was going to kill her... And it's all my fault. He did tell me that he would get revenge for me calling the police on him, but I thought that he had life in prison?! How the hell did he get out? What is he going to do to her..., she's been through enough.

I fell to my knees and put my hands to my face. I didn't cry. I couldn't cry. I was still in shock.

Louis knelt down in front of me and said,

"Harry. We will find her, we just need to call the police and tell them what happened. And they will punish him for what he did to both of you."

"What did he do to you...?" Eleanor asked.

"The same thing he's probably gonna do to her..." I said and stormed up to my room and locked myself in there. This is my fault. I heard Louis talking to the police downstairs. How is everyone going to take this, how's Liam going to take this?? He needs to know. So I called him.

"Harry I'm still mad at you." He answered straightforward.

"I know, but Liam..." I said on the verge of tears. But I couldn't cry yet not with Liam on the phone.

"What's the matter Harry? Is Nicole alright?" Panic in his voice.

"Liam I'm so sorry, I should have gone with her...."

"Harry... What the hell are you talking about? You're scaring me."

"Nicole's gone."


"She...she.... Got kidnapped. I'm so sorry... I just thought that you should know..."

"No... NO.....NO!! She's all I have left! I can't loose everybody in a tragic way! Can I be happy for once!"

"You can come over if you want..."

"Alright I'll be over there in less then 5 minutes."

After he hung up, I balled. I cried harder than I have ever cried before. The first thing I saw I threw it. Until I realized it was a picture of me an Nicole. I ran over to it picking up the picture. What have I done? The glass from the frame accidentally cut me, and it felt good. I wanted to feel it again. I picked up a piece of glass and held It to my wrist. NO. Not again, I promised Nicole never again. She would be so disappointed if she found out. I threw the glass across the room and held the picture close to me. I then put my fingers on her in the picture and whispered, "I'm going to find you even if I die trying."

Nicole's POV

I have never felt such pain before. Not that type, I have never felt so disgusting, so used... He had raped me. He's a monster. He did it to Harry and Gemma to. He told me about how he was Harrys uncle. I was completely disgusted with him. I hated him even more than before.

Now I sit here in a room in a dark old cabin. Traumatized. Broken. Scared. So many words can describe me right now. He had me chained to the wall. The god damn wall. The door creaked open. And in walked his uncle.

"Hello love. How you feeling? I came back for some more fun."

I glared at him with hate filling my eyes.

"How could you so something like that to Harry?" I asked.

"He wouldn't let me touch Gemma, so I used him instead." He just shrugged.

"You're a monster."

"And I'm proud of it."

I spit on his face, making him furious. He slapped me really hard. Then angrily shoved down his pants and underwear at the same time.

"You wanna play bitch? We'll play." He said as he forcefully raped me, again.


I can't get the look of pleasure on his face out of my head. I can't imagine Harry seeing the same thing when he did it to him. Poor Harry. I hope he isn't stressing himself out over this, and I hope he finds me soon. He promised he would.

I just want this disgusting feeling out of me. I'm being used. It's nowhere near like when Harry and I did it. There was love and passion in it. I hated him and his Uncle was just using me for revenge and sex. I looked around and saw a plate that I had never noticed before. I got closer to it and it had a single razor blade on it. With a note saying,

It will stay here as long as it needs to. I know you have old habits.

-Uncle Jacob

NO! I wouldn't. I promised Harry no. I told myself I would be strong but I just can't take it anymore. I cried harder than ever before, even after everything I've been through this is still the longest an hardest I've cried.

Harry... Where are you.....

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