Chapter 18

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Jimin's Pov
I wake up in the morning seeing my Lady sleeping on the bed peacefully next to me. Today is school day, But I don't want to go to school, I want to sleep hugging her more. Suddenly my phone vibrates, I check it and it was from Jungkook.

In the Message.
" Hyung? "
" Sup "
" There going a new Student Attend in our class "
" So? What is it going to do with me? "
" It's your Ex-Girlfriend Jinhee "
End of the message

My phone immediately drop on the floor once I saw the last Message Jungkook sent it. Jinhee was my Ex-Girlfriend 1 year ago. She leaving me without any word. She went to America for another man. Why she here??.

" Jimin? What wrong? " Yoona wake up snap me from my dazing.

" Nothing much " I responded.

I pull her a hug. She go to Take a shower while I'm sitting staring at my phone screen. I decided to reply Jungkook.

" Hyung? What should I do? "
" Dude, The only thing is that if she knows You with Yoona, She will make her life Suffer. Gahee was the one but now she change so You have to protect. If you couldn't protect her Me and Other hyung will "
" Should I tell Yoona about this? "
" I'll Tell her okay? Now come to school "

Yoona already out of the Bathroom so it's my turn, I give her a good morning kiss on her forehead than I went in.

Yoona's Pov
You don't know what happens to Jimin. Since you woke up he acting so strange. * What wrong with him? * You were dazing off a little while.

" Jagiyaa? Co'm Let's go to school " Jimin said once he out of the bathroom.

You quickly grab your bag then Go With Jimin. You walking hand to hand With Him to school. You keep thinking about what happens. So you decided the ask him.

" Jimin? What happens to you this morning " You ask him but he didn't make eye contact with you.

" Nothing I was Just Dizzy this morning " He responded.

Actually you know that He saw a message from someone and his phone drop immediately. But you decided to stay silent. Later you and Him arrive at the school gate. And Yayy the BTS was standing there. Jungkook saw you he immediately wave his hand to you as the other did as well. You and Jimin wave back. Somin was not around. * Where is she? *.

" Jin ah? Where's Somin? " You ask Jin, his Face was changed Immediately as the other.

" Something Happens between me and Her " He responded with his sad face.

" I'll talk to her " You pat his shoulder.

You walk in first because Jimin ask you to do. You walk to your Locker, Suddenly someone Bump into you that make her Paper fly everywhere.

" Hey watch where you going" She said. * Wait it wasn't my fault , But she look news here "

" Emm Actually you the one who bump to me " You responded.

" You Bitch " That was the last thing she said then she walk away.

You don't care the you continue walk to your Locker. You saw Somin was getting her book at her locker as well. You walk toward her as she turn to you.

" Somin ah? What happened between you and Jin? " You ask her.

" He didn't call me a few days now, I was pissed off " She responded.

" He doesn't call you that could mean He busy or he has. Problem this is very simple thing Somin, Now get back together " she look at you bite her lips.

Soon the bell ring you saw Jimin getting his book from his locker so you wait for him. The BTS already in the class. He smile at you then walking ti the class holding your hand. You find a seat next to Him and Beside you with Jungkook. Somin was sitting next to Jin but they didn't talk much.

" Alright class we got New Student " Mr.Kim was walking into the class with a girl behind him.

" Hi I'm Joen Jinhee, It's nice to see you all " She introduce herself.

You turn to Jimin who was staring at her. He dazing off again. * What exactly wrong with him? *. Jinhee saw him then walk to her seat.

" Nice to see you all but not me " She whispers loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

" Huh? You know her? " Jungkook ask you curiously.

" No, But she was bump to me this morning and she call me Bitch as well, Tsk this student " You said.

Jimin's Pov
I can't believe it's her, Jinhee. The girl who leave me without a word. She saw me and she was smiling at me. I was staring at her the whole time. I could see Yoona was so curious. The reason why I asked Yoona to go into the school first because I was talking with my Hyung about Jinhee. They all confirm that they going to Protect Yoona including me. A lot of things might happen to her. I sure that Jinhee going to make Yoona life Suffer. Jungkook was the one who help me the most. Thanks to him so much.

* I love you as always Yoona *

Yoona's Pov
I was talking with Jungkook the whole class While Jimin was thinking something. Jungkook saids he need to tell me something at lunch so I obey.

" Kookie? You know what happen to Jimin?, He's been dazing off " You asked him curiously.

" I don't know " He simply responded.

You still confuse what going on him. Meanwhile it's lunch Time. You stand up as Did as the BTS including Jimin. Jinhee was stand up and walk to Jimin when you about to call him.

" Long time no see My Jimin " She said. * Wait what with the ' My '? *.

You were looking at them with your confuse face. The BTS also behind, they were packing up. Jimin didn't say anything back to her. All he did was look at you. You bite your own lip and you didn't make eye contact with him.

" I'm sorry That I left you without a word but now I'm back right? " She said holding Jimin's hand.

You were shock by her Statement. Jungkook grab your hand than walking to the Cafeteria with Other behind living Jimin.

Jimin's Pov
" I'm sorry that I left you without a word but now I'm back right? " Jinhee ask me while Yoona and other Hyung left.

" The reason that I left is that- " I cut her statement before she could finish.

" I don't need a reason anymore " I said coldly then I'm making my way out Jinhee back hugging me.

" Forgive me? Will you? " She ask me.

I push her hand away with my Angry face. The anger grow higher and higher every word she say to me.

" It's your decision that you leave, Get out of my life, I don't want to see you again " I'm making my way out but Jinhee was saying something that cause me even more mad.

" You got a new Girlfriend huh? I'm going to find out then she will be dead in my hand " She said Evilly.

I ignore her then making my way to the Cafeteria. Once I'm at the Cafeteria I could see Yoona sitting With my Hyung. I walk toward them cause them to look at me.

" Oh Jimin you're here? " Said V while I look at Yoona, She look back at me and fake a smile.

I'm making a ' Did you tell her ' Face to Jungkook but he said he didn't. Then maybe she was confuse. I sit in front of her looking at her. My other Hyung was just talking laughing while me sitting speechless.

Jinhee's Pov
I'm back to start over with Jimin again. The reason I left for another country is that my parents doesn't like Jimin, We were Together for so long until we want to married but this happened. I'm back now and He already got a new Girlfriend. I'm going to make her life suffer once I know who is it.

* Jimin, No one could steal you from me ever again *

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