Daddy Issues

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princess's pov
different huh?

speak of the devil, i just got off the phone with my friend rachel and walked a lap around the pond when there she is. y/n l/n! oh poor little girl i worry for her...not. she deserves her father's death and needs to get better taste in clothes and pastimes. i mean she's wearing a death dress! oh wait here's something even better....she's with BUTCH. depressed girl bad boy perfect match.

"hey i know you" i said walking up to y/n innocently. she look scared out of her mind. HA!

y/n's pov

i nod "h-hi princess, uhm need something?" i ask her wanting to leave already, i mean i wanted to leave when i first got even the smallest glimpse of her vibrant candy apple red hair.

she shrugs and replies "looking for bait, i think i found some." with a snarky smirk. my anger flares but i'm to nervous to speak. "so how's your family hannah?" she asks innocently. i grit my teeth and force a smile.


"not all of them what about your dad" she asks then fake gasps, "i'm sorry i forgot it's a sensitive topic."

i wanna punch a b*tch.

"well," she chirps smiling "my daddy gives me anything i want! i'm such a little angel!" she smiled brighter closing her eyes.

"oh really because last time i remember your father only spoiled you because he's never around and you're mom is newly divorced for the third time now correct?" i asked just as falsely innocent as her. she frowned

"untrue my daddy loves me and my parent's are BOTH ALIVE.....i'm not the one with daddy issues you are"

i fell silent, i wasn't gonna put up with her bullsh*t today, i promised myself never again.

butch's pov
so many pov's in this chapter

odd i know y/n and princess are not friends but they're not i can tell. old rivalry i guess. y/n storms off and princess winks at me before skipping off. i know that y/n really is tough but i guess not when it comes to her dad.

"what was that about?" brick asked.

i shrugged "dunno i'll be back" and with that i went after y/n.

a/n: so sorry if this offended anyone with the cursing and use of the word devil along with personal stuff that happens to you so so sorry but please forgive me.

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