(1) Just Right

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"How was it?" he asked you with his usual big smile.

You went to the backstage right after their performance. They're really finally getting some recognition now. Slowly but surely; getting there...
at the top. They're schedule is getting busier, being filled with some guesting and interviews.

People around showered them with compliments while you just smiled softly at him. He somehow pouted and looked away. You caressed his cheek
and made him face you. "It was stupendous" You smiled "No matter what you'll do; I know you'd always do great." Your hand, from his cheek, went to his hand, stroking the back of it softly for assurance. "Because you've always been and you'll always be. I believe in you"

"Hey, Bob. I think I'm getting a toothache from too much sweetness here" You heard Jae commented at your back "Shall I go see a dentist?"

Brian threw his face towel to Jae "You need to see a psychiatrist"

You chortled as you remember when your friends found out about the two of you. It was three days after the night at the seaside promenade. They weren't surprised as you thought they'd be.

"Oh. So you guys are a thing now? Finally?" Jae queried when he saw Brian walked to meet you half way and held your hand to walk with you on your way to the usual tree.

Apparently, all of them knew how much Brian likes you. It was just you who were being stubborn to not believe it. But the thing is, it's not really official. You both wanted to take it slow. Despite wanting to show the world that you got the man of your dreams, you somehow want to protect the friendship. You didn't want to rush and ruin what you've built on the process. Besides, they're really getting popular now. You don't want to be showered by bashes and hate by his fangirls.

Few weeks before another school year starts. You're in a fast food, standing at the counter waiting for costumers. You got yourself a summer
job. Just when your thoughts wandered to what Brian is doing, you heard your co-worker giggled with another worker. From the corner of your eye, you saw her fixing herself so you turned to look at her. She was looking straight as her hands were busy tucking her hair behind her ear; pressing her lips together and brushing them with each other.

You know those gestures real well. She's gonna flirt with someone. You shifted your gaze back in front when she greeted a costumer, only to find a striking soul beaming at you. From having a deadpan face, your lips instantly curved to form a smile.

"Good afternoon, Sir." You couldn't conceal your happiness "May I take your order?"

"Yes, your heart, please" You felt your blood rush up to your cheeks as your heartbeat doubled. A scoffed from his back was heard "Oh, wait. I already have it"

You heard your workmate gasped beside you and it was followed by an 'aw' from the man in front of you. His head was hit by someone behind him.

"This is her workplace, stop flirting" Sungjin chided as he stepped forward to take Brian's place. He instructed them to find a table as he order. The boys obliged. Brian winked and mouthed 'See you' before he finally walked to find a spot.

"Was that guy your boyfriend?" asked your workmate after Sungjin left the counter with their food, with the help of Jae.

You turned your head and saw her hopeful eyes. This is one of those moments when you wish he really is. You couldn't answer 'yes' because your relationship is not yet there; you couldn't say 'no' because you don't want to lift her hopes higher. You responded with a smile and thankfully, costumers came in.

When your shift ended, you went straight to their table, not wanting to be bombarded with questions you can't and don't want to answer.

"What are you guys talking about?" They turned their head to look at you and Brian instantly grinned at the sight of you. He moved to give you some space to sit beside him and when you did, his arm draped around your waist right away. You felt your cheeks heat up but fortunately, nobody noticed
you blushing.

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