(3) Congratulations

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"Are you really not gonna continue for the next semester?" Your friend questioned

You sighed and looked away "I told you for the nth time, I'm not"

The last semester has been tough. Brian did every single thing he could just to talk to you and you did every single thing to avoid him. You even skipped some classes or would come in late every time you see him waiting in front of your classroom's door; you'd hide at the back of your classmates when leaving the room after class if he's outside, waiting for you to come out; you never answered his calls and text messages neither his friends'; you'd always pretend to be not in your dorm when you're actually just laying on your bed trying to contain all the tears and pain.

"But did you really have to deactivate your social media accounts and change your number?" she exhaled a sharp breath "What the hell?"

"He needs this, okay?"

"He doesn't" Her eyes darted to yours and even if you wanted to look away, you couldn't "He told you, he doesn't need this."

"He does." You insisted "Maybe he couldn't see it for now but someday he will. And he might even thank me for this. He does great in everything and I might just drag him down. I don't want him to fail because of me."

She's staring you intently, trying to read your eyes. You kind of felt uncomfortable and nervous.

"He does great in everything" She spoke while slowly nodding "And he does best in music... And loving you"

Your chest tightened. You blinked twice while slowly letting out a breath. You had a hard time swallowing because your throat got dry.

"Was his best not enough?" She smirked "Oh yeah... His best was too much" She raised an eyebrow as you pressed your lips together, forming a thin line.

You looked away "I should get back to work." You excused as you stood up to walk toward the counter. Even if you hadn't seen it, you're sure she rolled her eyes.

After the last semester ended, you looked for a job and here you are now: at a coffee shop not too near from school neither too far. And yes, you're gonna have a break from school, too, and work for a while to save up some money. But who are you fooling? Not anyone but yourself. You're trying to convince yourself that you're doing it for the said reason but you know deep inside, you're doing this to avoid Brian.

Did you really have to go that far? Well, you could go back anyway. Having a break for a semester or two wouldn't hurt right?

Every single day is a blur. The only thing you could remember is your friend going to your work place from time to time to nag at you during your break. Nothing much changed since your breakup. Oh how you hate that word. And even if you don't want to think about it, someone is making you. You don't know if it's fortunately or not that your workmate is a fan of them; and she doesn't know you're friends with them.

"And you know I heard they're gonna have their debut real real soon." You sighed and gave her a small smile "They're already quite known here because of their gigs, guesting and busking. And I'm really happy that finally they're gonna have their debut"

You already lost count on how many times you've heard it from her. She really likes them. But somehow you're wondering why it was delayed. Did they have a problem while making their album? Or maybe it's not really delayed but you were just expecting it to happen sooner. You don't know. And you don't want to ask.

Your eyes widened and you froze when you saw a familiar figure approaching; he seemed oblivious with his phone held against his ear, talking to someone. When he's finally in front of the counter, his eyes widened, mouth agape. You both blinked several times, both in shock. Your workmate seemed to be surprised, too. Seeing one of the members of the band that she really likes in front of her.

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