Ziplining Off A Building

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When we landed in New Zealand, we headed straight to the hotel to drop off our bags before heading out to do what Elton had planned for us. Once we arrived at the building Elton pulled his camera out. "We finally made it to New Zealand!" He said as we cheered. "We landed at 7 in the morning, we got through customs at 9, it's an hour later and the first thing we are going to do is jump off that building above you." He added as we all looked up "Oh my god" Colby said, "Jump off?" Sam added "Uh huh," Elton said as Corey shook his head "Are we really starting with something like this?" Sam asked "Yep" Elton replied "Oh and tomorrow we're swimming with sharks" he added "What?" Colby and I said at the same time "Wait what kind of sharks?" Corey asked "Great Whites," Elton said smiling "Great-What!?" He said "oh and when we're done here we're bungee jumping off a bridge" he added "No we're not," He said before him and Sam began panicking and running around "How are you two so calm about it?" Elton asked Me and Colby "To be honest I'm freaked out but I'm not going to run around like Sam and Corey," I said and Colby shrugged


We began to suit up "Okay I'm excited for this part, like this, I like this" Corey said "I'm gonna look like a superhero," Sam said happily while slipping on the suit Once we got the suits on the people helped us get the harnesses on. When we were all ready suited up, we headed towards the elevator and headed up. "This is like a waiting room of death," Colby said once we were in the room "are you guys ready?" Elton asked pointing the camera at us "Nope" I said, "alright who's going first?" He asked everyone pointed at me I began to shake my head "Alright nose goes" he said as we all put our fingers on our noses "Corey lost," he said "That was not me" Corey said "Corey lost" we all said. We all got close to the window to watch Corey go down. Once he reached the bottom the machine made a noise. I looked at the guys and they had the same look of confusion. "Why did it make that noise?" Colby asked "Uh oh," Elton said "That didn't sound good," A lady behind us said the guy that I'm assuming came with her began to ask the operator about the noise. I looked at the guys "I'm gonna crap my pants I swear to god" Colby said making us all laugh "Alright Sam is next" Elton said he began filming Sam as he entered the little room. "Sam's one of those guys where you don't know if he's scared or not but he's terrified right now," Colby said making Elton and I laugh "Just look at the way he's sitting right now he's terrified" He added. The guy said something to them but I didn't hear until Elton told Sam about what he said causing Sam to freak out a bit.

When it was my turn I entered and they got me all set up and wrapped the GoPro around my hand, when that was done I took a picture with the guys "Good luck Bella" Elton and Colby said as I walked out onto the platform I took another picture with the man before he explained to me what to do and what was gonna happen when I reached the bottom. He gave me the go and I took off ziplining down. Once I reached the bottom there was a guy was there to help me off "How was that?" He asked "Incredible," I said fixing my hair as I got unhooked. I walked over to Sam and Corey "That was so much fun," I said removing the GoPro. "It was," Sam said, "Who's next?" Corey asked "Colby then Elton I believe," I said as Colby began flying down, followed later by Elton. Once we were all on the ground we thanked the guy and headed inside to return the gear "How are you doing Corey?" Elton asked filming "I hate you," He said "What?" He asked "I hate you," He said again "You love me?" He asked "No I hate you," He said "You love me," He said again "I love you but I hate you and you just broke my body," he said

When we got the pictures back Elton pointed out Corey's face "I look happy, Sam looks happy, Bella looks happy, Colby looks happy, Corey looks scared out of his mind" he said filming it. I smiled "It's okay Corey," I said "Thank you Bella," he said

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