Paddle Boarding

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I was awoken by Elton banging two pots together. We all groaned I covered my head with the blanket and rolled over "Oh my god Elton" I heard Corey say "Morning!" Elton shouted "Morning Elton!" Sam shouted back "Ow" Colby groaned "You just scared me" Corey said "Ahh my eardrums" Colby said as Elton started laughing "Dude I thought we were gonna die, I thought I was having a nightmare" Corey said "I was getting shot at in my dream" Colby said making Elton laugh even harder. "Time to go paddle boarding" Elton sang "Yay," The Guys said "Come on Bella get up," Elton said taking my blanket "oh my gosh, it's so cold" I groaned curling up into a ball "Up, Up," Elton said

We were all outside grabbing clothes from our suitcases. I grabbed my army green swimsuit before I slipped my sundress on. I went in the RV and changed into it. While the guys stayed outside messing with the cow. I slipped my sandals on and took my clothes back outside to my suitcase before the guys got changed too.

Once we arrived we met up with the guy who was gonna teach us. "It's like the hot tub dude" Sam said from inside the water "Wait, No way, is it really?" Elton said as we all ran to the water I took my sandals off and joined them "It's not hot tub warm" I said. Before we went and got our life jackets on and the paddles. The guys left their shirts with Elton's camera gear I did the same with my dress.

I got on the board behind Corey and in front of Colby. I felt Colby push me causing me to kinda fall on top of Corey "Bella!" Corey shouted "Colby pushed me," I said, "Elton pushed Me!" Colby said as Elton burst out laughing and kept pushing Colby causing me to be pushed into Corey. Elton kept jumping on the board causing us to all hold on to one another as the board wobbled. Elton handed me the camera as he and Corey re-enacted the iconic Titanic scene where Jack is holding Rose. Colby began to sing My Heart Will Go On before holding onto me and jumping, causing everyone to fall down as Colby laughed. "Wow you save Bella but not me, I thought what we had was special" Corey said "She had the camera so I couldn't have her falling or Elton would kill me," he said "You're absolutely right, smart choice" Elton said "Who's the first one to jump in?" He asked "I think Sam said he wanted to jump in," Corey said "I'll jump in first," Elton said, "You're gonna jump?" Corey asked "I'll go first," Elton said again before Colby handed Corey the GoPro and doing a flip into the water. Colby looked at me "Ready?" he asked me before wrapping his arms around me and jumped in with the both of us. I swam back to the board just as Elton climbed on board he helped me up just as we were leaving Colby, but he caught up and climbed on board. Sam managed to push Corey in and once Corey got back on he pushed Sam in. "Paddle away!!" Corey said once Sam was in the water. "I guess that's the end of Sam and Colby now it's just, and Colby," Colby said as he paddled and we made our way to the shore once we were close enough the guys pushed Colby off and the guy left us on our own.

We got on the board with a few other girls "Oh thank god I'm not the only girl doing this" I said "Oh no we got you" one of them said as I high-fived them. Cory began to shout "Stroke!" as we were stroking. Elton began to jump on the board causing me and a few people to fall off making him laugh as we all swam back to the board.

We went back and dropped Elton off cause he wanted to fly the drone. We all began stroking till we reached the floating platform and Colby jumped on before Sam pushed me onto the platform as well. "Leave them!" Sam yelled as they began to paddle away I saw the drone fly over us I waved as Colby did a handstand. "It's so cold," I said shivering "oh my gosh you really are cold," he said looking at me "Swim to us!" Corey shouted "let's be like those girls when they jump in the pool for the drone," I said "Alright," he said grabbing my hand and we jumped in and swam to the board.

We reached the shore and we were shivering "Alright Guys I have an idea, I've been driving this entire trip. I have driven every single day for the past 6 days we've been here, I say we go, out to that little platform out there and have a battle to the death" Elton said "Okay" Corey said "Uh I'm at a disadvantage" I said "Oh yeah well you don't count this time around then" Elton said

I was sitting on the beach when the guys ran out of the water "let's go!" Sam said as we grabbed our things and ran to the RV. I sat in the passenger seat and watched them try to figure out how to turn it on. Sam was the one driving this time we tried to leave Elton but the RV was beeping until Elton got in and pushed the step in. Sam tried to drive and it turns out Sam was a terrible driver. "Oh my god it's the police," Sam said as a police car passed by us "Oh my god he just turned his lights on," Corey said "Alright Sam switch seats with me," Elton said as Sam went to the back and the guys sat at the table. "We outran the cops!" Elton cheered after a few minutes causing us all to cheer.

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