Introducing Bella

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"Hey there guys Bella here and for today's video, I'm going to explain to you how I got this amazing opportunity to go to New Zealand with 4 close friends of mine. You may know them as Colby Brock, Sam Golbach, Corey Scherer, and Elton Castee." I said as they sat next to me when i called their names "Introduce yourselves guys" I said "Hey guys Sam and Colby here," Colby said as Sam waved "Coreeey Scheeere heeere" Corey said "Hey guys its Elton" Elton said smiling " and meee don't forget mee!!!" Wendy said joining us holding her Cheeze-it box. We all looked at her "What? I got hungry" she said eating. " Anyways guys Elton has given me this opportunity to visit New Zealand, yes you heard right New Zealand." I said as the guys cheered. "and sadly I will not be joining her, I have family to visit in New York so we will be separated for about two weeks" Wendy said "and don't worry our dog Nico will remain in good hands since he will be visiting Wendy's family as well" I said as Nico turned his head to look at us "Our trip to New Zealand with the guys will be jam-packed since Elton has planned a lot for us to do" I said "I do indeed we will be ziplining, swimming with sharks, bungee jumping and a lot of other fun things" Elton said "and of course we will be there to keep the fun going am I right boys?" Corey asked "Heck yeah," Sam said "For sure," Colby said

After we made the video the guys headed back to their house while Wendy and I went out to Taco Bell. "I'm so excited for this trip," I said "I can't relate," Wendy said eating her soft taco. "I wish you could go but you have to see your family and attend some meetings, oh and you can't forget about your photo shoots you always forget it or show up late," I said eating my nachos. We continued to eat and talk when Brennen and Colby entered "Well look who we have here Colby," Brennen said vlogging us. "Hey guys," Wendy said "Eating Taco Bell without us I see," He said sitting next to Wendy and Colby sat next to me. "of course" Wendy responded, "So are you guys going to order food too or sit there and watch us?" I asked "ooh what's got your panties in a twist?" he asked, "I mean how would you feel if we just sat down and watched you?" I asked "I would be flattered that The Bella Johnson acknowledges me," he said smiling "She's right maybe we should go get food," Colby said getting up. "How about you order for us Colby since you know what I usually get," Brennen said, "You know what I'll come with I need another taco anyways," Wendy said getting up and walking away with Colby. "So you and my best friend huh?" Brennen asked "It's none of your concern what happens between us Brennen," I said finishing my nachos "It is my concern that's my boyfriend you're talking about and you need to back off," he said holding his camera up I rolled my eyes as they returned with their food "Colby are you cheating on me with Bella?" Brennen asked "Oh yeah totally," Colby said sarcastically "Bella you whore, stealing other people's man like that," Brennen said, "More like what's your man doing stealing other peoples girl?" Wendy asked making all of us laugh "okay that's enough" Brennen said putting away the camera "So how have you girls been?" he asked eating his food "we've been good, we actually have merch coming out soon so that's exciting" i said "and our channel is SO close to hitting 3 million" Wendy said smiling "Wow that's amazing" Colby said side hugging me "It's all because of the fans, you know without them we wouldn't be where we are today" I said smiling "Are you guys having a moment? Brennen maybe we should go" Wendy said "You're right let's go" Brennan said "actually I have to go home and finish packing" I said getting up "oh my gosh I totally forgot about packing" Wendy said getting up as well "see this is why I cant leave you alone" I said throwing away our trash. "alright bye girls it was nice running into you" Brennen said as we hugged him and Colby goodbye.

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