Ancient Village

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We all got up the next morning to Elton telling us we were late. I got up and quickly changed into my jeans and white tank top. I tied my flannel around my waist before running to catch up to our bus.

Once we were on everyone stared at us, I ended up sitting with a girl before the bus driver asked if anyone wanted to volunteer to be Chief. I saw Colby raise Elton's hand and Elton ended up getting the chief title. I saw Elton filming Colby as he explained what just happened before it was time for everyone to get off. I met up with the guys outside of the bus before we headed in.

We were standing with everyone else as they explained what was going to happen. We began to follow Elton and the lady as she showed us around the village. When the guys had to go up Colby handed me the camera and I filmed them while they learned a dance. "Did you ladies enjoy this?" The guy asked looking back at us "Yeah" they said, "Are you sure?" He asked "Yes," we said the guys walked back over and Colby took the camera back.

Corey and Sam got called up to play a game with two other girls. I stood next to Elton and Colby, as we watched them practice for the game. Sam lost the first round of the game, and then the girl with blonde hair got out, then it was just Corey and a Brunette, Corey ended up winning in the end. We were inside a building watching a performance when they asked the chiefs for their Ms. Chiefs Elton looked over at us "Come here Bella, I want you baby" He said making some people laugh, I grabbed my bag and made my way over to him, before we headed to the dining hall. When we had sometime alone to ourselves we walked around to explore a bit, I began to take pictures while the guys talked and filmed. Once I walked back to the guys, Elton pointed the camera at me. "I have a question for you and Colby," he said I glanced at Colby before looking back at Elton. "What is it Elty?" Colby asked "Why were you and Bella in the same bed?" he asked, "Wait what?" Corey and Sam said looking at us "Um what are you talking about?" Colby asked "Oh you two know what I'm talking about" he said laughing "Yeah i'm kinda curious now" Sam said "Hey um we should probably head back it's getting late" I said looking at my watch "Yeah I'm with her on this one" Colby said as we headed back to the hall. "We missed it again," Corey said as we arrived back at the now empty dining hall "Everyone's gone, Everyone's gone," Elton said filming before we ran to the bus. Once we were on I sat with Colby. We were heading back I laid my head on Colby's lap. "We're here," Colby said after a few minutes I got up taking his backpack with me. We got off the bus and headed back to the RV.

Once we were all in bed when Elton began to go around and do the greeting they learned in the village before jumping on his bed. "Alright Colby stay in your bed tonight," Elton said smirking I rolled my eyes before rolling over and going to sleep.

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