Sky Swing & Ziplining

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We began walking towards the swing when Elton began filming again "Alright, Corey you ready?" Elton asked him "I'm not doing it," Corey said "Yeah you are," He said "I'm not doing it," he said "yeah you are! Sam says Yes, Colby says Yes, Bella says Yes, I say yes" He said "you're doing it" Colby said "Corey says yes" Elton said "I really don't want to do this" Corey said stopping  "Yep, Yep, Yep" Elton said "Let's go, come on buddy" Sam said "Oh you have to you used your free pass at bungee jumping remember? That was your only free pass, you have to do everything we do on the rest of this trip" He added as we began to get closer to the swing.

I stood and watched them try to convince Corey before we got in line. Corey jumped the fence to try and get away before Elton got Colby to bring him back. Once they came back it was our turn Elton had me get on with Sam and Colby. We were on the swing being hoisted up "This is sketchy wow" Sam said looking around "Wow it's New Zealand though so it's okay" Colby said "Wow that is so cool" Sam said "Yeah the view is amazing" I said as Sam showed the view. Once we reached top Colby counted down and pulled the rope. All three of us grabbed each other and screamed. "I did not just pee my pants," Colby said as the ride slowed down "I did, I did," Sam said letting go "How was that guys?" The lady asked us "That was amazing" we said "Yeah it was not scary at all" Colby said letting go of me "Yeah not scary at all" Sam said as we unbuckled ourselves. Colby got off and then helped me down before Sam got down "That was nothing" Colby said as we walked over to Elton and Corey "That wasn't scary at all" I added, "Wasn't scary at all?" Elton asked "Noo Not at all" Sam said "it just goes by in like 30 seconds and then you're done," I said "Yeah no screaming," Colby said before Corey and Elton headed on up. Elton handed Colby the camera and we stood to the side to watch. "Oh no look who it is," Sam said looking behind us. I turned and saw the guy from earlier watching us, I rolled my eyes and looked back at the guys who were stuck at the top, Once they pulled it and began swinging I felt Colby set his arm on my shoulders. "Elton's laugh," Sam said making Colby chuckle a bit. We waited until they were on the ground and Elton ended up telling us what happened before we headed towards Ziplining.

We were getting the setup for the zip line and we had our harnesses on "Sam's got it!, Bella's got it, Colby's got it, Corey' it" Elton said as Corey put it on wrong "Got it" Corey said before laughing "you guys realize that this has more protection for a zip line than we had on that gigantic roller coaster thingy" he asked "I do know, that was terrifying that was so scary" Corey said fixing the harness "Damn look at that booty Corey" Elton said once we all had our harnesses on and Corey began to twerk "don't put that in the video" he said as people looked at us. I felt my phone vibrate when I pulled it out I saw that Wendy finally texted me back showing me pictures from her photo shoot and Nico. I texted Wendy back telling her all about what happened, before going to catch up with the guys

Once we were up on the platform Elton began filming again and the guys began to tease Corey before teasing Elton. Elton and Colby when up first followed by Sam and Corey after they went I ended up going with a girl. Once we reached the end I saw the guys were waiting for me "How was that?" Elton asked us "Amazing," I said "Incredible," the girl said as we got hooked off, we went and returned the equipment before heading back to the RV.

Once we reached the RV there was another Identical one next to it we began to question which one was ours before some fans showed up. We began to talk to them and they help us figure out which RV was ours. We took pictures with them before heading to the lake. Where we fed black swans and the guys messed the swans and called them ducks, which made Elton mad before feeding them I stayed to the side and recorded them.

It was the middle of the night when I felt someone lay next to me, I turned around and saw Colby "I'm too tired to climb back up so is it okay if I sleep here?" he whispered. I didn't say anything except offer him some blanket and pillow.  I felt him wrap his arm around my waist before we fell asleep.

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