Dolphins, Sand dunes and Bugs

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I woke up to Elton shaking me "Get up" He said before waking the other guys up before we all changed into our swimsuits. I changed back into my black bathing suit before slipping my jean shorts on over.

As we were walking to the boat Elton began filming again "Guys today we get to swim with dolphins" he said, "I'm so excited for this part!" I said "Honestly I think this is the happiest I've seen Bella on this entire trip," Sam said as the guys agreed "What can I say I'm excited," I said shrugging. Once we got signed in the ladies told us that there are approximately 100 dolphins out there.

The guys went into a different dressing room to get their wetsuits on and I went to the girls. Once I was done I saw a girl waiting for me. "Oh my gosh it is you," She said hugging me I smiled and hugged her back "Is Wendy with you?" She asked looking behind me "sadly she couldn't come she's in New York for her Mom's birthday and business," I said putting my things in my backpack and slipping it on before grabbing the other equipment and heading out with her. "Aw that's too bad I would have loved to meet her" she said "And she would have loved to meet you, and I'm not saying that to be nice she would have genuinely loved to meet you she loves meeting all of our fans" I said making her smile "Damn my girl Bella looking good" Corey said walking over "Ooh my gosh you're Sam and Colby" the girl said "Yep that's us" Sam said as they hugged her. "And Corey I loved your vines" she said hugging him "And Elton I love your videos" she said hugging Elton as well "Aww" he said "this is the best day of my life but sadly I have to go catch up with my family" she said "Aw well it was nice meeting you" Elton said before she left "Bella I have a question" Corey said "Yes?" I said "How do you have such an amazing figure when you can eat entire pizzas by yourself" he asked "Oh yeah true" Sam said "I don't know honestly" I said "Like damn girl you look good" he said "I know" I said as I slipped my sunglasses on and we headed out to the boat.

The guys began to mess around on the boat before we neared the spot so we began to slip the masks and goggles on and sat on the edge of the boat, once they told us to jump in we did. I had one of the GoPros. I saw the dolphins swim up to us I smiled as one swam next to me before swimming away, I came up for air and saw Colby "this is incredible" he said I took the snorkel out "I know" I replied before putting it back in and going swimming again Sam swam over to me along with three dolphins.

We headed back when they called for us. I pulled myself up and sat with everyone else. "How do you feel?" Corey asked sitting next to me and filming "Like the happiest kid on earth" I said "That was amazing" Colby said

Once we got to remove mask we sat down and Elton recorded all of our reactions. We all got to take off our wetsuits to dry off so we did leaving me in my swimsuit. I was towel drying my hair when the guys began to see more dolphins. I went and stood next to the guys as we watched dolphins. "You're so quiet," Elton said pointing the camera at me "I'm so happy that it made me speechless," I said smiling "Aww," he said side hugging me. I stood by the edge of the boat looking out at the dolphins. I slipped my shorts on once we were pulling in. We thanked the crew before we got off.

Elton had a good idea for us to have a meetup. So we all tweeted out about it and the location before heading there. We ended up talking to the fans and greeting them a lot of them asked me if Wendy was with me or if I was secretly dating any of the guys before Corey had them all give Elton the Red Bulls as an offering.

The next day we went to go do some sandboarding in the dunes. We rented out the boards before heading up the hill. Once we reached the top Elton began flying the drone he recorded us on the drone as we all slid down. "I'm blind" Colby shouted when we reached the bottom. We did a few more runs until Sam ended up getting hurt. I saw the guys crowd around him I looked at Elton and we both slid down. Once we reached the bottom I got up and walked over to Sam he explained to us what happened "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?" I asked "Yeah I think I'm okay," he said as Elton checked his head out "Do you want to take a break? Like I'll take one with you if you really need one" I said "Nah I'm okay let's go again" He said I glanced at Elton I saw him looking at Colby before Elton told us that the drone stopped working before we headed back uphill. Sam and Elton slid down holding hands Colby followed behind him and I was following behind Colby. Elton had us compete for my bed whoever got the furthest gets the bed to themselves. I began to scoot down the hill, Sam ended up winning. "Wait so am I sharing with Colby?" I asked "Yeah Sam won," Elton said "Got it," I said before We stopped by to watch these older women sandboard down the hill, Elton flew the drown as we watched from the bottom and they invited us but I stayed at the bottom to film them. Elton and this lady went down together. I smiled as he high fived her. Now it was Sam and Colbys turn to go down. I began to film with Elton's camera while They used the GoPro. When Elton reached the bottom he took his camera and went to film. "So you and any of these boys?" One of them asked me smirking "No they're like brothers" I said "Okay got it" She said as They went a few more time before we headed back to the RV.

I was watching a movie on my phone when the guys began flipping out about a bug being inside the RV. Colby tried to kill the bug since Elton was filming. I began laughing as I watched them "why did it take 2 full grown men to get it out?" Sam asked making me laugh harder and Elton laugh "Oh my god that was terrifying," Colby said before flipping out about a roach before Elton killed it. Once he stopped filming and we all calmed down "You guys concern me" I said going back to my movie. A few minutes I saw Sam standing over me "What up?" I asked "Time for bed and the last time I checked I get it to myself," He said "Right I forgot sorry," I said getting up and putting my phone to charge grabbing my laptop before crawling into the bunk next to Colby and going back to my movie. A few minutes into my movie i felt Colby wrap his arm around me before i began to feel sleepy.

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