RV Tour

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I woke up to someone knocking on my door before Elton peaked his head in "Wake up and get ready we're leaving soon" he said I sighed and sat up as Elton backed out and closed the door behind him. I got up, changed into my leggings and maroon hoodie, before slipping my Nikes on. I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth and did my makeup before packing everything up and meeting everyone else in Sam and Colby's room "Damn Bella you look good," Sam said letting me in "Thanks" I said setting my stuff next to theirs and sitting on Colby's bed. I pulled my phone out to text Wendy while we waited for Corey and Elton.

When we were all packed up we checked out of the hotel and headed to the parking lot to pick up the RV. Once we arrived we headed over to eat breakfast while we waited for the guy that Elton was supposed to meet to show up. Once he got the keys for the RV, He took our luggage inside and made us wait outside. "Alright, guys and girl are you ready to see your new home?" Elton asked walking us over with his camera. "Yeah" Corey and Colby shouted "For the next two weeks in New Zealand" He added "Yeah!" The guys shouted again "Alright well here are the keys, get on in" he said tossing them to me but Colby ran and caught them before I did he laughed and handed them to Corey. "Yo what does this do?" He asked looking at a key "That's the ignition key" Elton said, "This is the ignition key?" He asked as Sam took the keys from him and began to walk to the RV. "Hey Sam go to the driver's door which is on the wrong fucking side," he said as the guys began to freak out. "Why do we have like 7 keys?" Sam complained before accidentally dropping the keys "Guys this one looks like it unlocks something from Lord of the Rings" Elton said holding up a key "It does" Colby said laughing. I took the keys from Elton this time and went around to the RV door "I don't know about you guys buti want to see the inside so let's see if we can get inside, Aw man there are 2 locks" I said looking at the locks before trying every key until one of them unlocked the door "Welcome home" I said entering, everyone followed behind me "That is more modern than my house" Sam said looking around "Y'all live in a mansion" I said "Yeah, What are you talking about" Elton said as we all laughed Elton began to give us a tour of the RV "Dude the shower is a toilet!" Corey said looking inside the restroom, "Wait, what?!" Elton and Colby said "The shower is literally a toilet, you get to poop and shower at the same time" he added entering the shower "Dude you can poop and shower the exact same time," Corey said smiling "Oh my god are you serious?" Elton asked "I love it," he said getting a little teary-eyed "we don't have this at home," he said "yeah let's move somewhere else," Corey said as Sam closed the door keeping Corey inside I looked at the guys as Colby pushed against the door. Corey tried to open the door before he began to knock. "Are you guys serious?" He asked making Colby laugh "Dude if I push too hard it's gonna break," he said pushing the door a bit. They ended up breaking the door a bit and Corey peeked through the crack Elton continued to record this, "Elton it's me, Elton can you please let me out?" Corey asked "No," he said "Bella? Please do something" He said I sighed and pushed Colby away from the door "Let the poor boy out," I said as Colby put his hand on my waist due to the little room in the RV. "I got out," Corey said cheering and he exited the bathroom "Can't believe he got out of there" Colby mumbled, "Wait what we're gonna save water?" Corey asked "oh yeah we're gonna save water," Colby said "oh then come in, come on Sam," he said Colby entered and Sam closed the door leaving the two inside "Ay man so what else were you gonna say?" Sam asked as Corey and Colby began to make moaning noises. I went and sat at the table "The sad part is this is normal" Sam said looking at Elton. Elton opened the door and the guys stopped moaning, once he closed the door they went back to moaning. This went on for a while until Elton open the door and I saw Corey quickly leave the restroom. "Alright does anybody notice how many beds are here?" Elton asked as we looked around "2" I said "Well this one turns into one" he said pointing to the table "So then 3" Sam said "Corey and I will share a bed Sam and Colby will share a bed and Bella gets the bed to herself since she's the only girl" He said "Yes!" I cheered "Alright let's go get some food," he said "I'm gonna stay here and facetime Wendy hopefully she's awake," I said, "Alright anything you want in particular?" Elton asked "I got you I'll text you if I find something you might like," Colby said "Alrighty then let's go," Corey said as they headed out. I pulled my phone out and tried to facetime Wendy but I guess she was still sleeping. I sighed, grabbed my bag and the keys before leaving to catch up with the guys.

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