Precious Memories Left Behind

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Hey wonderful reader! 

I'm back and it's finally Friday and soon to be the weekend! Which means I can write more fanfics by Sunday, something I hope you all are looking forward to. Now enough of the good news, lets carry on with the story shall we? Please enjoy and comment bellow. Thanks for reading this! 



Reader's P.O.V 

" (Y/N) dear are you ready to go?" I heard a shout come from bellow me. I recognized it as my mother's, sweet, melodic voice and finished up what I was doing. 

" Can I have a few more minutes please?" I asked, hoping she'd at least give me 3 minutes.

" Alright!" yes, " but you can only have 5 minutes!" 

" Thanks mum!" 

" You're welcome dear!... No don't do that! Those are very antique china!" I heard my mother cry out at the moving men, whatever their called, as I smirked at her cautious ranting, who wouldn't love her?

I was taking one last look around the house, savoring the familiar feeling and tracing patterns on the empty walls as my shoes slightly sank into the soft carpet. I'm really going to miss this room... I looked at the corner, a place where I used to put my desks and remembered my 6 year old self writing a letter to Butters...

- Flashback -

I was sitting in a spiny chair, twirling around until I got dizzy or fell off when I suddenly decided to write a letter to Butters, we hadn't really contacted each other for a while now, the last time we talked was last night and I was already bored so I hopped out of the spinning chair, stumbling from my tipsy vision; took a piece of paper from the draw beside my desk, took out colored pencils, pens, rulers, rubbers, multi-colored paper and glue, setting all of them on top of the worktop. I had to reach up to set down the essentials for the task I set since the desk was up to my nose and I could just about see the top of it. I climbed onto the chair again, trying to resist the temptation of spinning around, repeating my previous glee and folded the piece of paper to look like a card and started to draw cute animals, rainbows and hearts. Finishing the cover, I looked at it proudly and turned it over looking at the clock that hung on my light blue walls. It read 5:10, it only took me 20 minutes but it was worth it. Smiling, I looked down at the open card before me and started to write the letter, carefully thinking of what to say. 

Deer Butters, ' yeah! That's what mum always writes for a letter to someone'

I reali mis u ' first I'll tell him how I feel...'

I want u to com bak, 'then tell him what I want...'

I dont lick waiting but I will wait for u by cose I lv u! ' then say something cheesy so he'll remember and laugh! There all done-wait!'

lots ov lv from (Y/N). ' There now I'm all done! Now I just hope I didn't make any spelling mistakes!'

I jumped off the chair again and walked to my daddy downstairs, showing him my card for Butters looking pleased. 

" Daddy, I made this card for Butters! Do you think you can send it to him please?" I asked giving my daddy my best puppy dog face as he chuckled lowering the newspaper and took off his glasses. He picked me up from underneath my armpits making me a giggling mess and seated me on his thigh. 

" Of course sweat-pea, all we need is an envelope." he stated as I looked down at me homemade card for Butters. 

" Did someone say envelope?" I heard my sweet mother ask as I was swept up into an embrace by her arms. 

" Well, in fact yes. (Y/N) has made a cute little card for Butters and all we need is an envelope." I heard my dad confirm.

" Then lets go get an envelope and send this card right away!" 

" Yay!" 

- End of Flashback - 

I sighed, as I walked down the stairs and into the, also, empty living room to find my mum and dad. They looked at me again and smiled.

" So are you ready to go?" They asked as I nodded. 

" Then off we go!" they cheered as I walked out the door, feeling the past behind me and about to start a new life. It felt nice to be free from its chains. I walked to the car and watched as we left (your town/village/city). Staring out the window I saw the park Butters and I always played at and the oak tree where he told me he was leaving, I let a tear roll down my face at the memory, imagining our old selves having the conversation we did so many years ago.


' " I have to move away, I'm sorry (Y/N)"' 

Oh Butters... why did you ever leave me?     

' " Oh hamburgers! Please don't cry I promise I'll come back for you OK?"' 

Why didn't you keep your promise?

' "Then we can live happily ever after!"' 

Where is that 'happily ever after?

'" Will you marry me?"'


~End of  Flasback~ 

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I laughed at myself ashamed. It's time to leave right? So I'll leave my precious memories behind as well, it'll do me some good. It's time to finally move on...

" Good-bye Butters, I'll miss you" I whispered as the car drove out of (your town/village/city).

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