Please Remember!

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Dear Lovely Reader, 

I'm sorry if this story is overly dramatic but that's just what I want it to be. You're at the edge of your seat aren't yea? I'll try and make as many chapters as I can today just for you guys OK? Thanks for reading everything so far, you're awesome. Please comment bellow and ENJOY! 



Reader's P.O.V 

'I can't believe this is happening!-so that's why-... no this can't be happening!'

" Butters! Listen, you have to remember what happened before the car crash! You can't forget!" I cried, tears streaming down my frost bitten cheeks like a waterfall. I hugged his torso, weeping into his shirt still begging him to remember me. 

" Hey let go of him!" I heard Lisa yell grabbing my arm and forcefully trying to pry me of her 'supposed' boyfriend but I wouldn't budge. I just shook my head and clung onto Butters even tighter. My arm was beginning to get sore from her pulling and my mind kept telling me to stop but I wouldn't give up, I don't want to! 

" Stop it Lisa! I might have known her!" I heard his sweet voice explain as I felt the pulling of my arm stop while another pair wrapped itself around my shaking body. I loosened up a bit on my grip and stared up at him with tearful eyes, he's as sweet as ever. He wiped away my tears before holding my close to his chest and laying his chin on my head, " so you're the person that keeps sending me those letters, messages and calls huh? Well, it's nice to finally meet you...I'm sorry I didn't reply but I didn't know who you were and I got scared," I sniffled, trying to prevent another river of tears to well up and spill over my lashes. He pulled away from me, my body protesting slightly at the lose of comfort only he provided, " If we really did know each other than let's start over. Hi, I'm Butters!" 

He-he wants us to start over? All that suffering just so I could start over? But-... well it's better than not being friends with him, maybe I could bring back his memories of me if I do become his friend again. Well this is a new life I'm living so I guess... starting over would be OK.

" I guess we could start over," I said aloud, making him smile brightly, " Hi I'm (Y/N)!" I greeted, blinking away my tears, smiling a soft smile and offering my hand to shake, which he shook.

" It's nice to meet you!" I smiled happily as I giggled. It was great seeing him again, the moment was just perfect until she screwed it all up! 

" Um, sorry to ruin your little moment but Butters and I have a date so if you'll excuse us." she stated rudely as she began to drag Butters away.

" W-well, see you later (Y-Y/N)!" he waved good-bye, turning away with Lisa clinging onto his arm, I just waved back before trudging home. 

Knocking on the door, it opened instantly by my mum, looking a little cross. 

" Where, have you been young lady? Do you know what time it is?" she shrieked in my face as I looked at the ground sadly. 

" What's wrong dear?" I heard her say softly after a pause. 

" I-I'm sorry mum...I-I lost track of time," I faced her again, meeting her kind eyes no longer holding anger but worry and shock at the sight of my tear stained face and glossy eyes, I felt like crying all over again. The memory of the previous event playing over and over in my mind, " I-I met Butters today and he-he lost his memory!" I wailed, chocking up on my own words. As the shocking news hit her, she embraced me, cradling my head and leading my to my bedroom.

The room was already sorted with a bed, desk, chair, lamps and all the other needed essentials for my room. I was lead to the bed and tucked in comfortably. 

" I'm sorry dear," she whispered to me kissing my head as I shook even more, tucking my head further into the duvet to stop my mother from seeing me weep, " but some things are just beyond our control...sleep well. You're starting school tomorrow at South Park High School." she informed me, walking out of the room, carefully closing the door behind her as I cried my self to sleep. 

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