Town and What's Happening?!

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Dear Lovely Reader, 

I hope it's ok if I lower the amount of requests, I love doing them but- Oh what the heck I'll do them anyway! Be free to ask as many as you want.  Thanks for reading this and please comment bellow. Enjoy! Love you all!



Reader's P.O.V 

I found myself walking to the place I last saw Butters with the girl wearing inappropriate clothing. Maybe I'm not overly over Butters...yet! I said yet! I don't want to suffer through all that agonizing waiting again. I can't bare it, I swear. I looked around with no hope of finding him but did find a cute, little coffee shop close by.

" Tweek, Bro's coffee huh?" I whispered to myself reading the sign above the shop and entered. I found the shops' air quite cozy but suspicious as well, it's as if I should be careful and that this shop has some sort of secret. I looked at the menu behind the till and found all sorts of coffee, Latte's, Cappuccinos, Mocha's,Espressos, and dark coffees, it was like coffee heaven. Although, there was something that caught my attention ' Hot Chocolate'! I always loved hot chocolate, I would have one with Butters if he ever slept over at my house. I sighed at the memory but was brought back to reality by the till lady's words. 

" Um excuse me but are you going to order anything? Because I know a few behind you that are ready to order." She stated impatiently as I looked behind to find the irritated faces of the other customers making my cheeks glow bright red, I quickly said my apologies and turned back to the till lady. 

" I'm sorry," I apologized again. Having her expression soften, she asked me what I'd have, " Can I have the hot chocolate with extra milk please?" I asked, my blood no longer rushing through my face like it did moments before. 

" Coming right up." I waited patiently for my order, took it after it was made saying a quick thank you and paying before seating myself at an armchair with a small coffee table beside the window.

I slowly sipped the hot coco, thinking of where I should go next and just made a plan of walking around, sight seeing. After finishing up the chocolaty beverage, I placed the mug on the coffee table and walked out into the cold air, my breath clearly visible in it due to the warm drink I previously devoured through small sips. I walked, as I planned, aimlessly around the new town, taking in the colorful houses and usual shops any other small town would have. 

" Spare some change." I heard a voice from the paved floor bellow me. Looking down, I found a man with an old trench coat, blotched with muddy water at some places, torn up jeans and hole filled shoes. I felt pity towards him but I didn't have any change, I used it all up on the hot coco because I didn't plan on buying much after the first day. 

" I'm sorry but I don't have any change." I replied walking away, knowing that I couldn't bare the look he gave me. 

" Spare some change." I heard another voice say, turning around I found another broke man limping towards me. 

" I-I don't have any-" I was cut of by another call out for spare change. I was panicking now, what should I do? People were starting to crowd me and I didn't like it. They smelt funny and they were walking in such an odd manor I don't know if I should take them to a doctor or run away. 

" Spare some change..." that was it! I have to run! 

" I don't have any!!!" I shouted, running away, my eyes closed. Looking back I saw them ganging up on me, I was about to scream for help when I bumped into someone so hard I fell to the ground. I shot up to find that he was dusting himself off and looking at me with a confused expression. It was Butters! I opened my mouth to say something but found that a hand grip my shoulder, swiveling my head, I met the gaze of the poor man that asked me for change first again. 

" Spare some change..." he asked as I yelped and hid behind Butters, hugging his torso and burying my head in his back.

" Help me." I cried, my quivering voice being muffled through his blue top. 

" Hey! L-Leave her alone!" I heard his stuttering voice cry. It was him! I know that shy, sensitive and soft voice anywhere. Hearing groans of disappointment and the decreasing sound of footsteps, I lifted my head and pulled away from my old companion. He turned around and we gazed into each others eyes, mine glossy from pent up tears. 

" W-well hello there. Sorry I bumped into you earlier. You're new here aren't ya? Well I'm Butters Stotch! It's nice to meet you!" he introduced himself as if we've never met before. This got me worrying a bit. 

" Butters it's me (Y/N)... we were childhood friends back in (your town/village/city)... don't you remember me?" I asked tilting my head, my tears building up further at the thought of him forgetting all about me. 

" No I don't think we've met before..." he said thoughtfully. 

" But-" 

"Hey!" I heard a deep, slightly feminine voice shout. I faced the source and found the girl from earlier stomping up to us, with a mad expression, " What are you doing with him?" 

" Oh, (Y-Y/N) meet Lisa Burgers, my girlfriend." w-what? 

" Yeah!" she cried, giving me a dirty look. 

" But, Butters don't you remember what you promised me 10 years ago?" I asked the tears slowly cascading down my flushed face. I saw him open his mouth to speak but was cut off by Lisa. 

" 10 years ago? He was involved in a car crash 3 years ago," she stated as if it was the easiest thing to say but I choked up at that and turned to him. 3 years back was the same date he stopped replying to my messages,calls and letters, " he lost his memory because of that and his parents too so he lives alone now but still at his parents' old house." No... this can't be happening! Butters...lost...his memory? 

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