Trial Gone Wrong

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Flashback, August 15th, 5 years ago

"It was back then. I became a new trial captain. I was 10 and becoming 11 that year. I was young but I started training with Olivia at age 5! Anyways.. being new to the Lush Jungle, Olivia had to lead me everywhere. She showed me the Totem Pokémon, Lurantis and the Castforms. After the tour, Olivia said there was already a challenger waiting to challenge the trial. It was none other than Haina. She greeted me and I started to trial by letting her get some ingredients for a special meal for Lurantis. It was only to lure it to her so she could battle it. Once she got all of the ingredients, Haina gave them to me and we both mixed it. After a lot of pounding and grunts we made, the ingredients finally became all mixed up! Haina and I waited for Lurantis for about ten minutes before deciding to give up. But then, something was rumbling in the bushes. Bring Haina, she decided to check it out. Being a rookie trial captain, I stayed back while warning Haina to be careful. She asked me,'Why are you afraid?'

I replied saying I was trying to be careful and it was my first time being in the Lush Jungle. Haina simply nodded in agreement that the Lush Jungle was mysterious. She looked around in the tall grass. Suddenly, Haina screamed in fright,'It's a Pokémon!'

Running to her, I thought it would be the Lurantis or Castform... even thought Castforms are kinda harmless. I asked her if it was pink and she said no. Once I saw the Pokémon, I freaked out too. It was a green blob and I thought it was a new green Ditto or something. I asked what it was. It was clear to me she knew what it was. I asked her again. No answer. Again. No reply. Again. Nothing. This cycle repeated until Haina told me it was a Zygarde Core. I asked her again,'What's a Zygarde?'

She said,'Zygarde is the Order Pokémon.'

I tried to get out my PokéDex but Haina stopped me. She said,'This Pokémon is not part of PokéDex yet.'

'Shall we get it to the Professor?',I asked.

Haina shook her head,'I need to bring it to the- um.. uhhh... my lab!'

She looked like she was sweating or something. Haina looked nervous. She picked up the Zygarde Core. It had a blue hexagon on the Pokémon. I thought Haina was just a caring Pokémon trainer, so I shook off her suspicious actions. Finally, I spotted a Lurantis, playing with a few Formatis and Castforms. I told her that Lurantis was available to battle and she literally just ran right pass me at full speed, pretty much causing me to almost trip.

Once Haina noticed that this Lurantis was no ordinary one, she was too late. Both Haina's and Lurantis' eyes met and the battle began. During the battle, I cheered for Haina and Lurantis. Some Comfey, Trumbeak, Bounsweet and Morelull watched the battle together with me. I noticed how strong Haina was with her Brionne. Even with the typing disadvantage, that didn't hold her back. At this time, Lurantis called her help. A Castform came. Lurantis had put on Sunny Day so the Castform was a Sunny Form, which gave Brionne a chance.

'Go, use Water Gun!',Haina commanded.

Brionne looked exhausted but obeyed. Then I realized what was helping them. Their bond. It was the bond. I watched Haina as she told her Brionne that she trusts it. Not just the bond though, the trust too. Looking at their faces, it looked as if they were confident. That all changed when Brionne couldn't dodge the Leaf Blade.

'No! Brionne!'

The Pokémon kept toppling over. Haina, with wide eyes, tried to demand a move, but Brionne couldn't move. All of the sudden, Brionne became covered with light. I didn't know right away what was happening and neither did Haina.

She stuttered,'I-I-It's..'

'Evolving!',I replied.

Once Brionne evolved, Haina took out her PokéDex. And it said:

'Primarina, the Soloist Pokémon, it controls its water balloons with song. The melody is learned from others of its kind and is passed down from one generation to the next.'

'Woah! So cool!',she shouted.

I added,'And pretty too.'

Then I noticed. The Primarina had yellow hair, instead of sky blue. I asked,'Is your starter a shiny?'

'Yup!',replied Haina.


I love shiny Pokémon. Seeing one was like finding the most rarest ingredient for the most delicious meals! Different colorations were awesome to me. My favorite shiny is Decidueye's shiny! It's awesome! The black wings are wowie!

In the end, Haina and her new Primarina won against Lurantis and its final S.O.S Pokémon, Trumbeak.

'Yes! We did it!',she shouted, high-fiving her Primarina.

'Good job!',I said to her.

She smiled at me. I have Haina the Grassium Z. I noticed that she had a Waterium Z on her Z-Ring and asked her,'Why didn't you use your Z-move?'

Haina looked at her Z-Ring,'Oh... Primarina and I made a deal to not use any Z-moves in this trial.'


I was interrupted by a loud roar.

'That's-',Haina began, but was also interrupted by another roar.

The creature came at us. It looked like a big slimy Pokémon.

'What is that?',I asked.

'Zygarde! 50% Complete!',she shouted.

'What do you mean 50% complete?',I asked.

'Can't explain now, we need to leave.. NOW!',Haina shouted, panicking.

She literally grabbed my arm, leading me out of the forest. Haina stopped to help other Pokémon out of the Jungle. Then she turned to me,'Go! Mallow! You have to get out now!'

I had no choice. I had questions. I had to get all of the Pokémon out. I helped Lurantis get every single Pokémon escape the outrageous Zygarde. Or how I called it, '50% Zygarde'

It was shaking so badly. Some trees fell, causing some Pokémon to trip. A few minutes later, the shaking stopped. Haina and her Primarina came out, all scratched and bruised.

Haina was falling while Primarina was growing tired of moving.

'Haina? You alright? What happened?',I asked her, lifting her up.

She started sobbing,'I don't know what happened. I don't know!'

'Haina calm-'

She interrupted me,'Zygarde... is coming after me!' Haina started coughing so bad that she fainted.

'Haina?!',I shouted in her ear.

The Grassium Z I gave her was cracked. I started having tears in my eyes. I shook them off and carried Haina and Primarina to the Pokémon Center."

Flashback end.

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