Steel UBs

316 3 2

July 3, 1 P.M.

Elio, Selene, Ray, and Ailey started to play around with the Pokémon Guardian Deities while trying to get to know them. They all had fun until Elio called out,"Tapu Koko and I are having a battle!"

"Seriously?",asked Selene.

"Selly, I'll win okay?"

"Uhm... okay?"

Ailey whispered to Ray's ear,"Tapu Koko is sure competitive."

"Yeah.",he replied.

"I'll be referee.",offered Ailey.


"It's Elio versus Tapu Koko, ready?"

"Ready!",he shouted.

"Tapu KOKO!"

Suddenly an Electric Terrain spread around them, creating a yellowish landscape.

"...what?",asked Elio, under his breath.

Ailey smiled,"Its ability is Electric Surge!"

"Didn't know that."

"Come out, Greninja!"

As soon as the starter was out, Tapu Koko used an Electro Ball.

"Dodge Greninja!"

The Water-Dark type jumped swiftly,"Use, Mud Sport!"

Greninja gathered some mud onto himself. Tapu Koko gave itself na chance by using Nature's Madness. This knocked Greninja off from the mud. The ground began to shake after the impact Greninja suffered. Like if it was in a game, It's super effective!

Greninja began to flinch. Tapu Koko wasted no time in forming another Electro Ball. Each second counted.

"Greninja! You okay?! Can you still battle?",asked Elio, shouting.

"Gre....",groaned the Pokémon before standing up.

Ailey watched the horror in Elio's eyes. She couldn't help but think about how she and Ray got abandoned and found by Colress. She wondered why. Was she a good baby or not? And no. Ray wasn't her sibling nor cousin. Colress tested their DNA, no relations. Now they were like his cadets. It was their way of surviving whether if Ray and Ailey liked it or not. She once asked Ray if he remembered anything of his family. Nothing. Nothing at all. When it was her tenth birthday, she and Ray created a time capsule that Colress never knew about. Inside contained events that happened before the birthday. The two were hoping their family would maybe find their capsule if they sent it into the waters, which they did. Going out to the beach and throwing the capsule into the water to let it drift to somewhere was one of Ailey's best memories with Ray. She loved having his company.

Although not smiling, she felt happy around everybody.

"Come on, Greninja!",yelled Selene from the sides.

"Tapu Koko's got some strength.",Ray commented. "Stronger than me, now that's for sure."

"Greninja, use Water Shuriken!"

It didn't work. Tapu Koko took little damage from each Shuriken. It only hit 3 times. Elio began to panic once Tapu Koko released yet another Electro Ball. Greninja just looked so hurt and tired. He had watched too much pain. Once the ball was released, Elio jumped forwards in front of Greninja.

"Elio!",shouted Selene.


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