Joining Forces

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July 4, 7 A.M. (Hoenn Time)

Brendan and May quietly stepped into the Sky Pillar. Steven Stone was fiddling with his fingers when the two came in.

"Welcome to the Sky Pillar," he said.

May smiled,"Hey!"

"How's life?"

"Great," Brendan replied.


Steven called out his Metagross which left Brendan and May confused. He ordered,"Use Psychic."

The Metagross lifted Steven, Brendan and May up to the top of the Pillar.


July 4, 6 P.M.

Elio and Haina both collected thirty cells of each. They caught 60 cells all together. Selene had led them everywhere from the Lush Jungle to infamous Ruins of Conflict. Dexio and Sina called in to check in with the two.

"So Haina was the one you sent?" Elio asked.

"Yup! How many did you guys collect again?"


"Sixty of each?! Impossible!" cried Sina.

Haina laughed,"No, all together!"

"Oh, oh! Sorry, that's great! Keep it up! Forty more cells than we'll be up and running!"

The trio groaned before Dexio said,"You are doing really well. You can take a break if you need to."

Selene nodded,"Thank you."

"We gotta hang up now," declared Sina. "We'll see you later!"

"Okay, cya!" Haina exclaimed with a wave. "Happy to help!"


"Seriously? 60 cells took two hours?!" exclaimed Selene.

"It's kind of not really a surprise. They are cells after all. They move around a lot."

"Guess you're right, Haina."

"Hey Elio, you know Ray right?"


"I saw you two fight. Ray is real mischievous boy. I met him when I was training with my Uncle Colress."


"Yup, Ray is one of his cadets."

"Um woah."

"He never talks about it though. He goes from a funny boy to a quiet one when I bring it up. I'm worried that something's wrong though."

"Like what?" asked Selene.

"I still have no idea. Two months ago, he just disappeared from everyone and started hanging around with that girl Ailey. Rumors say he's dating her or something. Oh! I forgot to tell you, he went to Trainers' School with me. The rumors came from the students."

"Ray's not dating her," she said.

"And never has," added Elio.

"Oh okay. Anyways, we'll hunt tomorrow okay?"



"Bye, Haina!"

Before the teenager turned to go, Haina gave Selene a wink and face saying, I know.

Selene — confused — twitched her eyebrows but only to see Haina leave eagerly. Elio giggled at the wink which made her red.

"What's so funny?"

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