The Return

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July 2, 2 P.M.

"Alright, Lucario! Come out!",Korrina called out.


Ray raised an eyebrow,"What did she mean by 'I'll show you what you Alolans don't know'?"


"Selene, I want it to be a surprise.. please?",Ailey interrupted.

"Oh I'm sorry.."

Elio asked her,"What didn't you tell me?"

"Can't say.",replied the female dex-holder.

Korrina did a backflip, a cartwheel, and some karate moves,"Attack! Alay! Get ready, Lucario!"

Her Lucario roared its name before going into position.

The Successor narrowed her eyebrows. She twisted her right arm and put it down at eye level. She palmed it,"Mega Evolve, Lucario!"


The people who were all surrounding her gasped in awe. They had no idea what Korrina was doing.

"Woah! What's that?",asked a man.

"No clue!",said another.

An aura covered Lucario causing people to think it got trapped. Ray's, Ailey's, and Elio's mouths were wide open. They all have never ever seen this phenomenon of Mega Evolution. Never in a lifetime. The aura cracked open,"LUCARIO!"


Aether Paradise, a second later

Gladion Aether watched the TV inside his room. He saw Korrina did her tricks. Flipping, turning, and so on before hitting her Keystone like a button. The boy saw the awed faces of the crowd. He also spotted Elio and Selene with another two familiar faces. Gladion tried to remember who they were but failed and gave up. What made him surprised was the fact that she actually battling an Ultra Beast. His father had told them they were more dangerous than he thought they were. Wicke had told him about a sighting of another unknown Ultra Beast she had with Lusamine. It amazed him, but this was only when he was ten — when his father and sister where still with him. It would be until he had just turn eleven when the family tore apart. Gladion's beloved father was sucked into an Ultra Wormhole. His sister Lillie began to worry about the family. She noticed Lusamine getting stressed without their father. Lillie had ran away from Aether Paradise. Gladion wished he was awake at the time she ran. It had been midnight when Lillie took off. He blamed himself for almost everything about his family's shake-up.

Gladion stared at the window. He was forever locked from going outside and Korrina was his only hope. But first, he had to steal Type: Null. The main reason he wanted to leave was to find the rest of his family. His only Pokémon was an Umbreon. He remembered receiving an Eevee from his father and playing with it during the night, causing it to evolve.

"Dad, Lillie, I'm coming."

"Lucario, use Bone Rush!",he heard Korrina command from the television.


Hau'oli City, 5 minutes ago

"Now Lucario, use Aura Sphere!",the Successor ordered.


The Sphere released from Lucario's hands. Xurkitree tried to dodge, but the speed it had didn't help. The Ultra Beast fell backwards. The beast decided to use Zap Cannon. The accuracy was 50% which didn't help at all.

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