chapter 9 and 10

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Y: "shit. You guys set me..." you get embarrased and you run outside to think.

Jack: "up"...

Daniel: "umm zach i think you should talk to her"

Zach: "what did you guys do..."

Y: you sit on a silver ball outside with your hands over your face and zach sits on one next to you without saying anything.

Z: "why are you so hesitant about having feelings for me?"

Y: "i didn't want to tell you but, i used to have way more subscribers on youtube... and then i was back down to a few hundred because no one liked me all because i was dating a youtuber" a tear runs down my face and zach wipes it with his sleeve. "Well they thought i was faking it for the fame and.." i get a lump in my throat.. "He believed them and broke up with me" another tear runs down my face. "I just don't want that to happen with you"

[zach stands up and holds your hands causing you to stand up and he wraps his arms around you and you lay you head on him. You guys just stand there and hug] [you look up at him and he grabs you cheek while wiping up a tear.]

Z: "i wont let that happen"

Y: suddenly you press your lips up to his and have a long kiss.

Z: "let's go for a walk"

Y: you walk around the street holding his hand talking

[you get back to the house and walk in and sit on the couch]

Y: let's go to bed" i walk up stairs with zach and cuddle as i fall asleep.


Y: i wake up and turn to zach and he isn't there so i walk down stairs to see him with a rose. "Aw, whats this for." i walk up and hug him.

Z: "go get dressed"

[ you run back upstairs and pull on some jeans (swipe)]

Y: "ok so where are we going?" i say while zach grabs my hand and puts the rose in my other. We walk outside and into an uber

Z: "i thought we should go on a real date"

Y: i look at him and kiss him. "Thank you zach"

*at ihop*

[you guys walk into ihop and sit down at a booth]

Y: "so what are you gonna eat?" "i think i will have the strawberry pancakes" i say while my and zach look at each other and think about the beginning with the strawberry packet

Z: "i think i will get that too"

[then a whole bunch of limelights walked in and got exited, through all the noise one fan called you out]

Fan: "woah isn't that y/n" "the one who faked it for the fame"

[zach sees your eyes turn to glass and grabs your hand]

Zach: "let's get out of here"

[you guys walk out and a tear runs down your face]

Z: "stop. I know you aren't like that."

Y: zach wipes my tears and kisses me. "They do" i say.

Z: "I love you"

Y: "i love you too"

Z: "lets go"

Y: we walk into another uber and i lay my head on zach. the car ride was taking forever and by now it was like 8:00. I thought we were going back to the house but we pull up to a carnival. "What makes you think that they won't be here?"

Z:"the carnival ended an hour ago"

Y: we get out of the car and go on the ferris wheel. "Why did y-" zach kisses me to shut me up and it works.

[you made out for a while until the ferris wheel stopped and it jerked you guys.]

Y: "oh no. why did it stop" i start to get scared.

Z: "don't worry"

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