chapter 1 and 2

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//your pov//

i'm getting ready to go to an earth day event. ugh i hope there are people there that i know. i get in the uber to go.

//zach's pov//

z: "k guys lets go we cant be late"

soon enough we all get into the car. we pull up to the local earth day event ad get out and sign in, i get sorted into a group without the other guys, i get sorted into a group with 4 other people.

//your pov//

i get there and quickly check the place for people i recognize, i don't see anyone i know. i get sorted into a group with 1 girl and 2 guys and they all seem my age.

leader: "ok zach and y/n are working together and McKenzie and Aaron work together"

i look for zach and our eyes meet across the garden.

Zach's POV:

I see y/n over the garden we will be working on together and our eyes meet. We both don't look away until I look at the ground kinda blushing.

Your POV:

Zach looked at the ground and I realized I was staring so I walked over to the other side of the garden to meet him."hey im y/n" i say as he looks up at me.

//Zach's POV//

z: "hi y/n, im zach"

we both smile and we start talking while planting vegetables.

Y:"so tell me about yourself"

Z:" in a band called why don't we"

Y:"oh cool, are the rest of the band here?"

Z:"ya they are all over there" 

I say as i point over to them blushing. They see me and i quickly turn away, I am tempted to turn y/n around but deside against it. Its break time and jonah walks over.

In Love? (zach herron)Where stories live. Discover now