chapter 11 and 12

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Z: "don't worry"

Y: "NO ZACH!!" i start freaking out and crying. "WE ARE STUCK HIGH IN THE AIR" i curl up in a ball.

Z: "its ok im here. I'll call jonah"


Z: "what are you saying?"

Y: "can you just call jonah please"

Z: "ya"

Y: i see a tear roll down zach's cheek "im sorry"

[jonah comes and gets you guys down and you get to your house and tell zach goodbye]

Y: as i'm laying bad i think about how zach's fans made it too hard for us and it's too hard but i love him. I cry myself to sleep and when i wake up i walk over to zach's house still crying from the night before.

[you knock and corbyn opens the door]

Corbyn: "oh hi y/n, come in." "zach come here."

Y: i see zach run down the stairs and his face loses his smile when he sees me.

Z: "hey y/n are you better?, whats wrong?"

Y: still crying i tell him "i can't keep ruining your plans and day."

Z: "you arent"

Y: "im sorry, i love you but i can't." "i just cant. Bye zach" he kisses me and in that moment i feel whole.

Y: "i gotta go" i walk away to see him looking out the window and i run away crying.

[zach stands at the window for almost an hour waiting for you to come back]

Jonah: "just go to sleep, she will come back."

Zach: "then why hasn't she"

daniel : "zach please go to bed"

*next day*

Corbyn: "guys zach won't get out of bed, what do we do?"

Jack: "when a beautiful girl like that dumps you it will take you a while"

Daniel: "ya you're right let's just leave him be"

*next day*

Y: i got so many calls from zach but i couldn't answer them. I loved him to much to answer.

*next day*

Daniel: "ok this isn't healthy i'm gonna go check on zach"

[daniel walk into zach's room to find an empty bed]

Z POV: i am lost. I am broken. I am not me. Where is she.

[zach is in the middle of the road and accidentally blocking traffic when jonah sees him on the news]

Jonah: "oh no. guys i found him get in the car now"

[they pull up and corbyn runs out of the car up to zach]

Corbyn: "ZACH. GET OUT OF THE ROAD" [corbyn and jonah got zach into the car and asked him a lot of questions. He just sat there.]

*back at the house*

Jonah: "this is a problem"

corbyn : "ya y/n needs to come over"

Jack: "i dont think thats a good idea... i mean he barely knows who he is"

Daniel: "thats a good point"

[suddenly daniel realizes that zach isn't all]

Daniel: "zach. ZACH. BREATHE"

[they all rush over to help him]

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