chapter 23 and 24

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Y: i walk away while holding zachs hand.

[you guys go home and you get dressed to head out to see Andi]

Y: "bye babe"

Z: "bye baby"

[you and Andi go to dinner, meanwhile...]

Jonah: "ZACH. your phone is ringing"

Z: "i got it i got it"

[zach answers the phone and walks outside]

*phone conversation*

Emma: "hey zach"

Zach: "hi..."

E: "i just wanted to catch up"

Z: "ok"

E: "so how have you been doing?"

Z: "good, with tour and stuff its really fun"

[zac and emma talk for 2 hours just catching up]

Y: "im home"

Corbyn: "hey y/n, how was dinner?"

Y: "great. Can i talk to you'

C: "ya, of course"

Y" so next week on earth day is kinda me and zachs 1 year anniversary and i wanna do something special"

C: "what are you gonna do"

[you reach into your wallet and pull out something]

C: "what's that"

Y: "it's the strawberry seed packet that zach wrote his number on" i say unfolding it and smiling "i carry it with me everyday"

C: "aww"

Y: "i dont know what i'm going to do yet but it has to relate to this"

C: "that is very vague, is there anything else?"

Y: "well i kinda just want to have things around that resemble us"

C: "soo...i cant really help with that."

Y: "you can get him out of the house"

C: "tell him that logan needed his help for a prank or something"

C: "ok"

[you walk upstairs and open the door]

Z: "i gotta go"

Y: "who were you talking to you?"

Z: "i gotta go"

Y: "who were you talking to you?"

Z: "a friend"

Y: "cool"

Z: "emma came up with a good idea"

Y: "emma is the friend"

Z: "we could go on a double date"

Y: "you would be going with me right"

Z: "of course princess"

Y: "k let's do it" i kiss zach not remembering i just got home from dinner with Andi. he put his hand on the back of my neck and i put my legs across his. We make out for a while until zach looks behind me to see jack standing there. Zach covers his mouth with his sleeve because i forgot i had red lipstick on so i covered my lips laughing a little.

J: "hi..."

Y: "how long were you standing there"

J: "how long were you doing zach's makeup"

Y: zach chuckles "fair enough"

Z: "what do you want"

J: "you guys need to turn in the requests to be in the same group for the earth day event"

Y: "oh ya" i say still covering my mouth

J: "ill leave..."

Z: "where were we"

Y: "let me get ready for bed"

[You go into the bathroom and wash your face and change into your herron shirt.]

Y: "where did we leave off"

[you and zach kiss again]

Z: "we gotta fill out that form"

Y: "oh ya"

In Love? (zach herron)Where stories live. Discover now