chapter 13 and 14

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[ after many nights of sitting at home eating ice cream you hear a scream, you run downstairs to find your mom on the floor and call 911. You get to the hospital to find out she is on the verge of death.]

Y: my mom was the last person in my life that was always there for me. I have one place left to go.

*at wdw house*

Y: i get there and sit down crying at the front door. I as rocking back and forth and accidentally banged the door.

Daniel: "did someone knock on the door or is it just me."

Jack: "idk let's check"

Y: suddenly the door opened behind me and i hear my name.

Daniel: "y/n?!?!"

Jack: "let me get zach"

[daniel helps you up and into the kitchen]

Jack: "he isn't coming down"

Daniel: "i havn't heard him speak since the night it happened"

[you walk up stairs to find zach sitting on his bed staring at his guitar]

Y: "zach?" you say while sobbing

Z: "y/n, whats wrong?"

Y: he stands up and i hug zach while sobbing.

Z: "woah, talk to me"

Y: "i need you...i love are all i have left"

Z: "what. What happened to your mom?

Y: "idk but she i on the verge of death" i say sobbing.

Z: "shhhh. It's gonna be ok i'm here... i love you and i always have and i always will"

Y: "can i stay here, i don't want to be alone"

Z: "of course" "have you eaten?"

Y: "does ice cream count?"

Z: "ill order pizza go sit on the couch and pick out a tv show with 5+ seasons"

Y: "you're the best" i say as i kiss him.

Jonah: "you got your girl back, i knew she would come back"

Corbyn: "we got zach back"

Z: "i didnt want it to be for a reason like this"

Daniel: "but you can tell she never stopped loving you"

Jack: "she never will you guys are perfect"

*the pizza gets there and you start watching charmed*

[zach walks up and sits next to you]

Z: "a pizza for me and a pizza for you"

Y: i lay my legs across his and kiss him on the cheek until sooner or later we both fell asleep


Y: i wake up to find zach still sleeping so i wake him up by playing with his hair. "Goodmorning sleepy head. You're cute when you sleep." "ya well so are you" he says with his eyes still closed

"I'm sorry i left, i didn't want your fans to come between us. I was the one that drove us apart."

Z: its ok y/n don't think about it" "all that matters is that we are together now"

Y: "can we keep it quiet tho"

Z: "why? I wanna show you off"

Y: "so do I but, the fans will get mad. I want to be with you forever" i say as he looks at me

Z: "so it's official...but secret"

Y: "thank you for understanding"

Z: "i don't understand fully, you said your mom was the only one you had left?"

Y: "oh. Well my dad left with my older sister before i was born. He has never been important to me"..."or my mom"

Z: "she isn't all you have left anymore.."

Y: i look at zach and smile. "You are cute when you wake up" zach covers his face with the blanket. I pull the blanket down and kiss him.

[you guys both get up and walk down stairs. You start getting cereal ready and bring it to the table where you find zach on his computer]

Y: "what are you doing babe?"

Z: "oh i was watching the video we made together"..."i don't want to keep it a secret. Even if the whole world hates me, i want to bring you outside, to make videos with you"

Y: "i love you babe but i wanna take it slow"

[the guys call zach over]

Jonah: "zach she fixed you"

Z: "what"

Daniel: "don't act like you don't know"

Corbyn: "you gotta tell her"

Z: "tell her what"

Jack: "dude you gotta tell her about the traffic jam know..."

Z: "what "you know..." i don't know"

Jack: "zach. You were not even with us pretty much"

Z: "WHAT"..."how am i supposed to tell her something i don't remember"

[at this point you get curious]

Y: "zach"

Jonah: "do you want me to tell her?"

Zach: "could you?"

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