chapter 7 and 8

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//Z POV//

 she fell asleep while we were watching the movie so i closed my eyes too.

 [jack comes out for a drink of water and posts a picture of them on snapchat] 

then i woke back up i the iddle of the night and carried her to my room and layed her down and i fell asleep.

//Y POV//

when zach layed me down i woke up but acted like i was asleep and turned toward him scooting a little bit closer.


I woke up and grabbed my jeans and another one of his sweaters and headed downstairs to make some waffles for breakfast. I had the music up loud and was dancing to it until zach came up behind me and put his arm around my waist "can i help?" "yes" i replied.

[jack corbyn jonah ad daniel came down stairs and jack took another picture of you guys for snapchat]

*after breakfast*

Y: woah...zack...i am popular on twitter now..."


Y: "look" i show him pictures of us together and all of the tweets asking if we were dating "(your ship name) i kinda like that" i say as i smile and see zach look down at me

Z: "(ship name) i like it too"... "soo... are we mad at jack?"

Y: "well ya but not really i mean these pictures are cute". I see zach look away smiling and i kiss him on the cheek.

Y: "I gotta go" i say remembering i hadn't gone to the gym yet

Z: "oh where are you going?"

Y: "to the gym"

Z: "can i come?"

Y: "sure, we need to stop by my house to get clothes tho"

*at the gym*

[you start stretching and find zach looking at you so you start running on the treadmill next to him]

*back at the wdw house*

Y: "ok i need to take a shower"

Z: "perfect we have exactly two bathrooms" [zach walks to one bathroom to find the guys locked in and using all the hot water on purpose] "come on guys we want hot showers"

Jack: "there is only enough for one" jack says as he laughs

Jonah: "ok jack isn't this kinda rude"

//Z POV//

 i run back to the other bathroom where y/n is and i catch her right before she closes the door. "Hey just letting you know there is only enough water for one hot shower so you can have it if you want it"

Y: "well that's not fair, it's your house" i think for a minute "ill go fast and i get out of the shower when you get in and then you take your half?" i say while thinking about everything that could go wrong with my idea.

[the plan works except they didn't both move at the same time so they were both in the shower together]

Z: "omg im so sorry"

Y: "oh its fine just dont look" i say even though he is already covering his eyes so i get out and dry off. As im drying off zach sticks his head out to wipe soap out of hi eyes on his towel and i see him peeking. "Hey!!" i say covering up.

Z: "sorry i couldnt help it"

Y: i get out of the bathroom wearing a huge sweatshirt and underwear and no makeup and a bun. I walk into the living room where the guys are..."seriously guys why did you do that"

Jack: "oh come on what was i supposed to do you guys clearly like each other and you weren't going anywhere"

Corbyn: "you do like him right?"

Y: "well i mean, ya..." i say while kinda blushing.

Jonah: "trust me zach likes you, we do live with him you know."

[suddenly zach walks in behind you but nobody tells you]

Y: "ok fine i really like him but don't tell ok, i want to make sure i don't rush into things"

Daniel: "turn around"

Zach: "you really like me?"

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