Mermaids Curse

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A/N: okay, just to start, I must remind you that I am changing the story ever so slightly, because of course there is no romance between Thorin and a character, nor are there mermaids (I’m not talking icky squishy Ariel mermaids). So I’m twisting it to suit my story. I own nothing (duh) everything belongs to either Mister Tolkien himself OR Mister Peter Jackson. Apart from my mermaid of course.

Just a briefing, this is set between the warg chase with Radagast and the company falling upon Rivendell. The secret passage Gandalf led them into that leads to Rivendell is deeper than meets the eye (I always imagined that if it was as simple as in the film (and books) it wouldn’t be so ‘secret’ and rather easy to find and follow), it’s now a network of caves that run deep below the surface, filled with pools of different depths…

“So, are there any other creatures out there that don’t exist but actually do?” Bilbo said stiffly, shuffling closer to the fire for warmth, “I’ve met a troll now thank you, is there anything else I should prepare myself for?”

The company shared a few chuckles, but Bilbo was being totally serious.

“Ay, there are many weird and wonderful creatures out there laddie, just waiting for you to find them.” Bofur replied, a twinkling of amusement in his eyes, talking another toke of is pipe.

“Are fairies real?” Bilbo queried, remembering the stories his mother used to tell him of how one of her ancestors took a fairy wife. Of course he never truly believed her.

“Ay, but they’re hard to see, only a few feet tall.” Kili piped up. Well, that squashes that story.

“How would you know?” Fili dug, sending his little brother abemused look.

“I’ve seen one.” The brunette responded quickly.

“No you haven’t.”

“Yes I have!”

“No you—“

Fili was cut off by an inquisitive Hobbit who wanted answers.

“What about sphinx?”

“Half man half lion? You’ve got to be joking!” Dwalin roared with laughter.

Bilbo thought for a moment, “Mermaids?”

The laughter died down a little at this.

“You mean Sirens, laddie?” Balin responded, leaning forward slightly to get a better look at the Hobbit from around his brother.

Bilbo paused for a moment, “Well yes, I suppose.”

“No one has ever seen one, but you… Hear things…” Bofur began, switching from his usually peppy tone to a more cynical one. He readjusted his floppy hat before continuing, “entrancing songs in the wind, sailors going missing without a trance...” He trailed off, giving Bilbo a toothy grin.

“I thought mermaids were sweet and kind?” The Hobbit asked, blinking, “You know, brushing their hair on rocks, swimming with the fish…”

“No, they’re man eaters; they’ll entice you in with their songs, then drag you beneath the waves and rip the skin right off your bones with their sharp fangs.” Kili piped up, shielding a smirk with his pipe as he watched Bilbo’s face pale.


“Ay, as long as your finger. Their scales as big as your palm. Their tales like a serpents, slimy and poisonous to the touch.”

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