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Thorin spent the majority of the following day trying to find the mermaid. He had awoken to a feeling of complete horror when he realised how his actions the previous night must had portrayed him. He partly blamed it on her heritage to lure, and his intake of little too much wine. But he couldn't help but feel the familiar nauseating feeling build up in his stomach, the feeling that was telling him that this was not necessarily the case. He wanted to apologise, he knew he was in the wrong and he wanted to tell her he did not know what possessed him to be so forward. But he couldn't find the female anywhere.

The Dwarf wandered the Elven Halls, almost sulkily, searching for Amara, but to no prevail. The afternoon was growing old, and he knew he was supposed to be meeting with Lord Elrond after supper to discuss the map. His stomach rumbled at the thought of food and he inwardly sighed, changing his direction to their dining hall.

He wasn't surprised to find the rest of the company had congregated there already, taking their anticipation and enthusiasm to be fed. Although, upon seeing no sign of the Mermaid he turned on the Hobbit. Bilbo had become rather close to Amara after the past few days and he assumed without doubt that Bilbo had at least seen her today.

On Thorin's approach Bilbo stiffened, feeling a little uneasy. The Dwarf King saw Bilbo's anxiety and clenched his fists involuntary. He must have known what happened.

"Bilbo, a word."

Bilbo twitched awkwardly, looking unsure but nodding anyway, stepping away from Bofur and following Thorin back out of the dining hall.

There was a moment of silence while Thorin chose his words carefully. He didn't want to come across as aggressive to the Halfling, for no doubt this information would then be passed onto Amara and he didn't want to appear anymore of a swine.

To Thorin's surprise it was Bilbo who spoke first in the end, "I assume you're wondering where Amara is? She told me what happened." Bilbo rang his hands together uncomfortably and Thorin sighed, his rage beginning to swell in stomach.

"I guessed as much," He responded stiffly, "And I assume that is why she's not here."

Bilbo looked up then, his eyes wide and his face confused, "What? Oh, oh no, she's just busy."

"Doing what?" Thorin asked possessively, although it wasn't really a question, more of a demand.

Bilbo began fidgeting again, "I can't say."

"Why not?" Thorin was looming over the Hobbit now, his temper ticking away.

"She didn't tell me."

Thorin knew the Halfling was lying, and he was about to argue but then stopped himself. He held his tongue and swallowed his words.

"Very well. Well, if you see her can you tell her I wish to speak with her?"

Bilbo nodded quickly, a little surprised as these weren't the words he was expecting.

Thorin turned to leave, but then added lowly, "And extend to her my sincerest apologies."

Bilbo's face looked troubled, "Of course." He answered briskly, before following Thorin back into the dining room.

It was late into the evening before Amara joined the rest of the Company. She found them on a stone overlook, turning Elven furniture into ash and cooking meat. The mermaid took a seat next to Bofur, frowning slightly.

"Where have you been, lass?" Bofur asked her, his usual cheeky smile appearing from under is moustache, "And why so glum?"

Amara pursed her lips as she eyed up the fire before her, "Should you be burning the Elves furniture and cooking food they don't eat? Isn't it a little disrespectful?"

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