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Tonight was the night that the Dwarves map was supposed to be deciphered by Lord Elrond, and if all goes well then they will be leaving in the early hours of the next morning. That was the plan anyway, but there was one last thing to decide.

It had been nearly another two weeks since Amara gave Thorin the drawing, and since then he'd seen her every night without fail, and he'd even seen her once or twice during the day as well. She'd taught him more about her culture, although Thorin doubted it was everything she knew. But he quickly discovered that if she didn't want to talk about something she wouldn't, stubborn wouldn't even begin to describe how she'd be, for if Thorin insisted on something she would start to ignore him and pretend he wasn't there. Which was infuriating none the least.

However, after storming off on night after one of these situations where she pretended he didn't exist he'd bumped into Bilbo.

The poor Hobbit was nearly bowled over by the storming Dwarf and hurried after him to try and cool him off. They hadn't spoken for long, but by the end of the conversation Thorin's anger had evaporated and instead been replaced by a winning feeling upon learning that he knew more about Amara than Bilbo did. Amara had opened up to him more than she had to Bilbo. And he was over the moon.

He would no longer deny that he did indeed have a soft spot for her, even if she was infuriating some of the time. But she was also kind, funny and eager to listen to whatever he had to say. She absorbed everything like a sponge, and seemed to have a genuine interest in the whole of the company. Her behaviour made him question Lord Elronds words about Mermaids, for although she seemed in her own little world most of the time she was far from unfeeling.

Thorin had been trying his hardest not to think about the road ahead which would undoubtedly be without her. They'd all grown so used to her bubbly presence that when she wasn't there it seemed painfully silent, even when Kili was about.

"Have you made a decision yet?"

Thorin turned to his left to find Balin standing beside him, he'd been too deep in thought to even notice his approached.

"About what?" He asked, turning back to look out over the valley. Down below him on the grass was Amara and Bilbo, and Thorin kept one eye on them.

"A particular golden haired female," Balin responded, "I can't imagine you want her to stay here with the Elves." The white haired Dwarf let out a sigh and there was a brief pause before he chuckled to himself. Thorin raised his eyebrow at Balin before the Dwarf continued; "Actually I do not think she especially wants to stay here either."

"Oh?" Thorin questioned, feeling a little smug.

"Ay. Kili overheard her telling Bilbo that she found the Elves... Well, a little dull."

Thorin snorted a laugh and Balin chuckled again.

"She mentioned they were no fun." Thorin agreed, remembering how a few nights ago he'd found Amara sulking over her book and when he asked what bothered her she had told him how Lindir wouldn't dance with her. He of course didn't mention that he also didn't dance out of choice.

There was another pause before Thorin broke it, finally answering Balin's question.

"But I have indeed been thinking about it." He waited for an acknowledgement from Balin and when he did Thorin continued, "I will send word to Ered Mithrin asking for them to come here and escort her back. Once we have reclaimed Erebor I will go and collect and bring her back myself."

Balin nodded, "Do you not think that it may be an advantage over Smaug to have a water dweller in our presence."

"How so?" Thorin was aware that she was a particularly skilled fighter, but no more than the rest of them. Also this quest has been dangerous so far, and will no doubt get worse. Thorin couldn't even bring himself to imagine how he would feel if Amara was to get hurt, or even killed.

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