Ffa Hurrff

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Amara waited patiently as she lay on the uncomfortable, firm, makeshift bed. She could hear and see the humans shuffling around her, preparing her and gathering equipment such as bowls, towels and knives. She twiddled her thumbs absentmindedly.

"Are you afraid, Siren?" Came a familiar slimy voice.

Amara tilted her head slightly to look behind her, "No." She replied nonchalantly, "Why would I be afraid?"

Alfrid slithered closer; his yellowed, crooked teeth on show through his malicious grin, "because you're about to meet your end, Creature of the Deep." He was trying to provoke her, to get a reaction out of her to make this experience ever more satisfying for himself.

But the way Amara let out a light, breezy laugh Alfrid actually became confused for a moment, she seemed so confident it nearly through him off. Nearly.

"If you say so, Master Alfrid." She began to pick at her nail casually.

Alfrid peered over at her, excepting to see some hidden fear deep in her eyes, expecting to find that she as trying to be brave and this airiness was just an act that she was hiding behind. But no, as far as Alfrid could see she was completely confident and unfazed by the web she was currently entangled in.

Curiosity crept up on Alfrid, he wanted to know the source of her relaxed attitude, and then he wanted to squash it. He wanted her to feel fear, he wanted her to be afraid.

"You do not care that you will be leaving your beloved king behind?" He was trying to bait her for a reaction, and for a fleeting moment he thought he got one for Amara paused, looking thoughtful.

"I will not be leaving anyone behind, Master Alfrid, because to be honest with you I don't plan to go anywhere," She sat up then, leaning forward so her nose was just a few inches from his, and when she continued her voice was no more than a whisper, "I'm just playing along, you see. I actually find all this quite entertaining." Her eyes flickered black and the jewels that peaked out the top of her shirt flashed blood red. Alfrid's eyes popped slightly, unable to conceal the alarm that washed over him. He wasn't stupid, he'd heard the tales and stories and he knew exactly how dangerous she could be.

"I will pierce you with that blade myself, my dear." He hissed, his eyes as threatening as his tone.

Amara giggled, "Oh, Master Alfrid, you cease to amuse me."

"And you will cease to exist."

"Very well, good luck."

Her cryptic words taunted him, and if there was one thing Alfrid hated it was being belittled and mocked, "Good luck? My dear, poor Siren, it is not I who will need the luck. Let's just hope your Waves will accept you back, fraternising with Land Folk is hardly acceptable behaviour for a Water Child." He was trying to turn the mocking back round on her, but in fact his anger only escalated when a small smile graced her peach lips.

"I will not be seeking acceptance, I will not be returning to the Waves. I am wishing you good luck for the curse, Master Alfrid." She paused, eyes flashing once more, boring into him for a reaction. She got one, just a flicker of confusion on Alfrid's pasty face was enough for her, "Oh? You do not know? But Sir, you seem to know so much of me and my kin, I just assumed..." She trailed off, her small smile growing tauntingly.


She leaned forward even more, her lips hovering right over Alfrid's ear. At the close proximity he could smell the alluring sent of her, the fresh ocean air and the cool, crisp waters of the Waves.

"Yes, the Mermaid's Curse." When Amara pulled away her eyes were once more black, and her fangs seemed dangerously sharp.

Out of fear Alfrid's temper snapped, "Where's that knife?" He sneered down at Amara, whose expression was far too smug for his liking, "Quickly! Let's end this Sirens wretched life."

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