Crushes and Harpsichords

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Amara was basking once again, like she had been doing nearly every day since being in Rivendell. She seemed to be managing her time well (for once, thanks to help from Bilbo) for she would spend the morning basking in the warm waters and sunshine, then she'd go find the Fili and Kili and listen to their stories, she'd then find Balin and have him read to her, this was followed usually by being told jokes by Bofur and Bifur, she'd then go find Bombur and have some food, this was followed by meeting up with Ori, Dori and Nori to learn about the Dwarven culture, as they so proudly spoke of it. She'd then go spar with Dwalin, which was her least favourite thing to do, not because she didn't like said Dwarf but because she was in fact a very skilled swordsman – in the water – but out of the water not so much. Her feet would always get tangled and she'd end up hurting herself without fail, which is why she'd go see Oin and Gloin next. She'd then go meet back up with Bombur for food before going to meet Lindir while everyone else ate. After they'd eaten Amara would go find Bilbo and spend the remaining daylight with him, and usually well into the night.

She was however avoiding Thorin.

She told herself it was because he had malicious intentions towards a Dragon, but deep down she knew this wasn't the case. The Dragon they wanted to destroy was a fire breather, and therefore not a favourite of the Mermaids, so in reality she didn't care. She was mainly ignoring him because in his presence she felt... Funny. She couldn't stay mad at him, even though he was totally disrespectful towards her a few nights ago. Every spare moment she had she found her thoughts would trail back to him, and this annoyed her. She didn't know why they did and she didn't want them to.

"What's wrong?"

The Mermaid was snapped from her thoughts by a like poke from Bilbo. She blinked at him.


"I asked what's wrong." He repeated, finishing off his daisy chain and handing it to her. Instantly she put in on her head. She still had the flowers Bifur had weaved into her hair which was now well over two weeks ago, even though she'd taken them out a few times since then, but they still hadn't died or even been close to wilting. Not that she was surprised, she knew they wouldn't wilt while she kept them.

"Nothing." She lied, toying with her own daisy chain, "Nothing at all."

Bilbo made a 'pfft' noise and peered at her, scrutinising her, but he knew if she wasn't going to talk then she never would. He didn't want to push her and upset her, so he'd just have to wait for her to come around. Although, the Hobbit was surprisingly shrewd (although he never showed it) and he had an inkling he knew what her troubles were about.

"Thorin asked about you the other day."


Amara's sulking head snapped up to meet him, an eager but cautious look in her eyes, "He did? Really?" She asked him, maybe a little too quickly.

Bilbo smiled triumphantly, "Yes, he wants to make things up with you, you know? He didn't mean to upset you."

Amara's brow furrowed and she bit her lip nervously, her unusually large eyes growing even wider as she thought. She then recoiled in herself and Bilbo frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"My stomach feels weird." Amara frowned.

"How so?"

"I think I have parasites, I keep getting this strange feeling. It feels like there's loads of little creatures crawling around in my belly... But- but it doesn't feel wholly unpleasant." Her face changed from one of complete disgust to a confused one. She blinked at Bilbo who was now smiling broadly.

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