Chapter 1 - Despair's Front Door

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Adam's hands slowly clenched up tight as his fingers felt the cold floor below him. The floorboards felt clean, but the cold temperature made his skin rise. Adams eyes opened slowly as he looked ahead, towards the rows of tables in front of him.

"Where am I?" he said to himself.

Adam held his hands out to the nearest table in front of him and used it to lift him to his feet. He felt wobbly and weak, his legs almost gave up on him but Adam used all his strength to keep himself up while he looked around. The room had a large black chalkboard at the front with a long wooden desk in front of it. The desk was accompanied by a tall comfortable chair on four legs. Above the desk, connected to the roof, was a projector facing at the windowless wall to the left of the chalkboard. Adam looked towards the four rows of chairs, each row including 4 tables each. Each table was exactly the same with their wooden top and wooden chairs with padding in top to make them comfortable. Behind the tables sat two tall bookcases. The right bookcase held lots of different coloured books on the shelves, whereas the left bookcase had transparent tubs with what looked like rulers, sharpeners and Protractors.

"Is this a maths room?" Adam said to himself, but as his focus returned he pushed his right hand into his black jackets pocket.

As his hand pulled out, along came a picture containing two adults, one female and the other male, as well as Adam in between them. The man had a white shirt and a tie around his neck, while the woman was wearing a long pink dress showing her arms and neck.

"Thank god it's here."

He put the picture against the his chest but as he heard the door to the room open behind him the picture was pushed back into his jacket while Adam spun around.

The big brown doors opened wide, a golden hair boy just like Adams hair walked inside wearing a white sweatband around his forehead and a tight yellow shirt over him along with bike shorts and jogging shoes.

"Oh thank god someone else is here!" the boy said in exhaustion.

Adam's head tilted in confusion, "Who are you?"

"I'm Samuel, is what's your Ultimate title?" the boy asked.

Adam straightened himself up as his hands went into his pocket and his head lowered.

"Ultimate Luckster" Adam said in a sigh of depression.

He saw the title as nothing but a huge disappointment in his life. The title got him into the school that guaranteed succeed, but the title itself was nothing but for show. How could anyone be good at being lucky?

"Oh, you're the Luckster then, awesome!" Samuel said proudly.

He stepped up to Adam and stretched out his hand which Adam hesitantly shook in a greeting.

"Are you the only person here?" Adam asked.

"This is the only room I've checked, what is this room anyway?"

Adam took another brief look around before answering, "I think it's for teaching maths."

"Gosh, can we get out then?"

Adam let out a slight smile and nodded as he walked out of the room with Samuel closing the doors after them.

The hallway outside was long with dark blue walls and lights spreading red lights over those same walls. The path went down for 20 metres and seemed to turned to the left, but the other side of the corridor stopped at a wall with two large metal doors on the wall to the left of the end wall.

Danganronpa: Despair's Fallen ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now