Chapter 3 - A New Place To Call Hell

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The thing about Despair is that it hits when you least expect it. The most silent person is usually the one struggling, and that is a cue for worry.

That's why Hope is necessary when there is nothing left to protect you.

You may have people to keep you company and also the equipment to sustain your hunger and thirst, but in the end the menacing possibility always comes down to one thing.

The mental struggle of the situation you find yourself in.

"They're back!" Lexi said in excitement as the dormitory doors opened to reveal Lisa in her wheelchair and Adam wheeling her inside.

"We made it, but give her some space, her leg still needs to heal" Adam said.

Everyone gave their own different type of confirmation as Adam let Lisa's wheelchair rest to the side of his own table where Lexi and Abby had seemed to wait at.

"You look like you're dying" Samuel said at Lisa's pale face, but his head was slapped by Joy.

"Gosh, insensitive much?"

"I was just saying! She can't see her own face so maybe she didn't know" Samuel said.

Lisa sighed and looked upwards in silence.

"So, want to do anything?" Abby said to Adam.

Caught off guard randomly, Adam focused on Abby, "Well, if there is something you'd like to do I wouldn't mind" he said.

"Oi, I'm joining too!" Lexi said, making sure she could be heard.

Adam sighed and looked over to Jacob who just held back a laugh while Abby walked over to Benedict with hesitation, Benedict noticing and sitting up properly in his chair as everyone stared.

"Oh, a lovely gir-" Benedict started to stay but his hair was immediately clenched onto by Stacey's hand as his head slammed into the tables

"Ah!" Benedict screamed, and kept his mouth shut as Abby spoke.

"Can I borrow your deck of cards?"

Benedict looked up at Abby in slight confusion but looked over at Adam as he realised what was going on, his teeth biting his lip gently while his hand slipped into his pocket, "that lucky bastard."

He handed over his deck of cards carefully as Abby carefully took them and ran back to Adam, pulling his arm.

"Let's go, and since Lexi wants to join she better hurry" Abby said, her voice turning cold when mentioning Lexi.

Adam stood up as he tried avoiding everyone's eyes, some trying to contain their laughter while Lexi puffed her cheeks a little and followed outside quickly.

"Hey, Lisa" Rachel said as she moved closer to Lisa, sitting on a chair in front of her wheelchair.

Lisa looked over at Rachel with slight confusion as she moved her hands onto her lap, "Um, yes? What was your name again?"

"It's Rachel, I don't mean to treat you different because of the wheelchair but I was curious if you wanted to go outside instead of just staying in here, I know it's hard to move when in a wheelchair is all."

Lisa let out a slight smile as she nodded, "I don't have anything else to do really, so if you really want to then I won't complain."

Rachel gave a large smile and walked behind Lisa's wheelchair, taking a hold of the handles as she looked over to the remaining Jacob, Frankie, Marco and Samuel in the room, everyone else seemed to be separating to their rooms.

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