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Schools across the world make it their life to train the kids of the world so they are ready for their future in this world. Mathematics, languages, science, art, biology, and tonnes of other classes are taught to the students so they will know more when the time comes.

The top school in the world, though, Hope's Peak Academy, was and still is the best at preparing their students. With students holding ultimate skills from their ultimate lives, the school helped them advance those skills, as well as helping them with separate knowledge that is required in the world. For years Hope's Peak carried the title of the top school in preparing students for the future. With students graduating into success and joining unimaginable futures, it was no surprise they were given this wonderful title either.

But then The Tragedy happened precisely 8 years ago, the end of the world people called it, a massacre. It was soon resolved thanks to the Ultimate Hope who made the return of Hopes Peak, as well as spreading its name and the academy itself global wide. With academies constructed in separate countries such as the United States, Australia, England, and other places too, more scouts found more students with such skill in specific areas of study. With the new students, came more graduates and the school got more fame in their own countries.

But with the spread of hope, there must also be the an exact amount of Despair, it was only a matter of time.

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