Chapter 4 - Unmasking the Events

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"It's pretty sad you know" Frankie's voice said, distracting Jacob who was watching Adam and Joy leave the dormitories as they head off for Lisa.

"Oh, what is?" Jacob said as he faced Frankie.

Frankie positioned his head towards the bathhouse, "Benedict, haven't you realised he's been in the bathhouse locker room for a bit too long?"

Jacob stood up, Frankie joining him, and walked towards the door leading towards the locker room so they could peek in. The doors on the left side of the locker room, big sliding maroon coloured doors, led into the main bathhouse which had two sections to it, both of them large spa's for relaxing inside. One was seen by peeking through the open doors, and the other was behind a big wall half way through the room. Along the left wall of the bathhouse was a long sitting area for people to relax on in the hot smoke.

Jacob and Frankie slowly walked up to Benedict but, as if he'd heard them, he turned around in a gasp which caused the person inside the bathhouse to overhear them. For the two seconds Jacob had freely, he noticed Rachel was the one in the bathhouse. Her whole body was in the water, revealing only her neck and her head, although Jacob thought he could still see her red shirt slightly around her shoulders. His distraction was cut off by something resembling a shoe being thrown at the three guys but it luckily missed. Jacob quickly closed the door and ran out while Benedict apologised loudly, all three of them puffing for air.

"What the hell were you doing exactly?" Frankie said to Benedict as he held onto the wall to his left while breathing heavily.

"N-Nothing, I was just seeing if the bath was free..."

"You were in there for quite a while" Frankie said.

Jacob decided to walk off from the two, hoping to get a drink from the kitchen but his, Frankie's, and Benedict's feet, as well as Simon's, Samuel's, and Abby's who were about to walk out of the dorms themselves, were frozen when the Monokuma bell ringing through the air, but instead of the normal bell that resembled that of a school bell by having a high note, then a low note, and repeating the cycle before finishing, this bell had the bell tune elevate to four different levels before finishing.

The TV in the hallway switched on and everyone's heads directed towards Monokuma's face who seemed to be happier than ever.

"It's finally time! One of you guys got desperate and now the game has started. Let's do this then!"

From Monokuma's right, a big gong raised itself from the ground and, with a metal bar in his hand, Monokuma hit the gong as hard as he could so the sound radiated through the speakers making the students cover their ears a little.

"A body has been discovered! Oh it really brings tears to my eyes to know my dreams of seeing murder among friends come to life. Now I bet you all are just waiting to get started on finding the killer, right? But I will now have you join me in the entrance hall. I'll be waiting."

The TV immediately switched itself off after Monokuma jumped off his seat, the students in the hallway frozen and their faces pale. Carlos', Joseph's, Lexi's, Marco's, and Stacey's doors opened a bit after each other as the owners of those rooms walked out with their facial expression representing despair.

"W-what was that announcement about?" Stacey said with her voice almost dying.

Jacob clenched his fist tight and turned to face the dormitory doors, "Let's just get to the entrance hall alright?"

Lexi remained in her door step with her face down, "But what happened?"

"We can't know that til we get to the entrance hall!" Jacob said, his voice booming out but he made no eye contact with anyone, "Please just, get ready and join us. Frankie, make sure Rachel is dried off and in the entrance hall alright?"

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