Chapter 20 - The Start of Chaos

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"Do I have to repeat my words, Painter?" the soldier said.

His gun had not wavered from the direction he held it in for the past minute. Taylors eyes were glaring it down as if it was empty, as if she was unafraid of dying.

"I said let the kids go!" the soldier said and the gun fired, hitting Taylor in the right shoulder causing her to scream out loud. She stumbled into her chair as her screams grew but she forced her left hand to press a button on the controls and the students were freed from their restraints.

"Perfect" the soldier said, "You kids stay back while I handle this. Understand?!"

His voice was very commanding and fierce. With a gun still in his hands the students were not hesitant to obey so they ran to the side wall quickly.

"Curse you, asshole!" Taylor said as she held onto her shoulder.

The soldier lifted his left hand towards the other soldier beside him and tore away the earpiece around the man's ear. He repeated the same action on the other soldier then threw the devices at the ground before stepping on them.

"W-what exactly is going on?" Lexi said.

Jacob looked over to the soldier, "It would seem Taylors been mind controlling the soldiers. Remember when the letter from that Jerry person mentioned armies? I have a sneaking suspicion he meant armies from the army themselves."

Jacob then faced Taylor, unable to hold back a small smile from seeing her in pain, "So what exactly did you do? Interfere with their brain physically or what?"

Taylor let out a large smile and started standing up as she took out two items from her pockets. She dropped them to the ground and they started growing into two versions of Monokuma, the students and soldiers eyes widening as they noticed Taylor running for the entrance of the room. The soldier aimed for her with his pistol but the Monokuma's began running at him with their paws covered in spikes so he redirected his aim and shot twice into each of their heads causing them to fall to the ground in pieces of scrap.

The soldier then put his gun away in his holster and took a look at the kids, "How long have you all been here?"

They were all hesitant at first but finally Simon spoke, "J-Just under two weeks we believe."

The soldiers eyes widened as he stepped forward, "Two weeks? Holy hell!"

Outstretching his hand, the soldier smiled towards all six students on the wall, "My name is Miles, I was requested by two people higher in the military who sadly now find themselves dead. I will get out of here I promise."

The students let out a smile in relief. Finally they could get out, finally they had help.

The longer they looked at Miles, however, they more they realized his eyes and their black surrounding color.

"Um, sir" Lexi said, "You look sleepy..."

Miles rubbed his eyes gently before smiling, "I have been here without sleep for days, but I'm used to it. It won't stop me I promise."

"There's a chair over there" Simon said as he pointed to the leather chair Taylor had been seated upon, "Take a rest for now."

Miles grew hesitant but he soon accepted the offer and sat down as to relax his body.

"So Taylor ran away, hm?" Marco said as he held his arms crossed against his chest.

"I didn't mean for that to happen, but I promise we will catch her" Miles said.

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