Epilogue - It's Never Over

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The build was large and tall, possibly the biggest in all the city. Its windows were the majority of its walls, made of thick glass so they couldn't be broken hard.

From the 20th floor stood a man in fashionable white clothes, in his right hand a glass of whiskey which he took a sip from while watching the neighboring building which was 12 floors smaller than his own. His eyes were focused on a boy on the roof of the building who was sitting down on a wooden chair as his eyes looked up to meet with the man drinking whiskey.

"Sir?" a woman's voice said and the man turned to see his maid dressed in her normal black and white clothes, her beautiful blonde hair let down from her hair as it reached her ears.

"Yes? I'm sorry" the man said.

"You have a visitor, he says he has a package for you."

The man handed his glass to the girl as he smiled, "Thank you."

He began walking down his hallway and up to an elevator door at the very end. A few seconds after pushing the button to the side the doors opened and he stepped inside the elevator and was lowered down to the first floor nice and slowly. The doors opened up to a white tiled room that was shining brightly and showing the roofs reflection perfectly. The room had several pillars that kept the roof up, they weren't needed much but the man thought they showed off his house in all its glory.

At the stairway to the right of the elevator stood a figure in blue clothing with a cap covering her head but her dark blue hair was slightly seeable from underneath as it stuck out. In her hands she held a parcel which she handed to the man upon seeing him.

"Why thank you, lovely" the man said as he smiled towards her body.

His eyes kept to her lower half as his hands tried making contact with her arms but she had handed the parcel over and was walking towards the entrance before he could touch her.

"Feel free to visit again" he called out in a chime and headed back for the elevator.

The man entered his office on the 15th floor and placed the package on his desk. He sat down on his large, black seat and his hands began opening the parcel from the side. It opened up and as he shook it upside down he noticed it held nothing but a small item the size of a bottle cap. It was black and white and seemed to do nothing but lay there.

He picked it up in his hand and started examining it closely before putting it back on his desk.

"What is this? It's just a lid or something."

He stood from his seat and began walking out of his room as he heard the sound of laughter behind him, a menacing laugh that made his body shiver.

"Oh Charlie!" the voice said as it stopped laughing.

The man turned into his room slowly upon hearing his name, his eyes meeting what he expected to be a person who had somehow gotten into his room but to his horror his eyes met a small bear seated on his desk, it's body half black and half white with its right eye glowing red in the sharp of a lightning bolt and the right side of its mouth sadistically widened out.

"W-wait, impossible!" Charlie said as he started standing back.

The bear jumped from the desk and started walking towards Charlie as Charlie began running down the left of the hallway and towards the end room which had large windows over the wall and several couches and chairs for resting.

"Now, now Charlie! Come and play!" the bear said as it started running for him.

"No! I'll do anything, I swear! I have money and sources!" Charlie started saying as he entered the lounge suite before realizing the elevator was on the opposite side.

"Money won't solve this, this time" Monokuma said.

Charlie had his back against the glass, he looked around the room as much as he could but the room was empty except for some furniture he couldn't carry.

He then looked at the bear before him and closed his eyes as the bear jumped, its body hitting Charlie directly and the two of them crashed through the window as they fell down all fifteen floors with the bear laughing in his ear.


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