Chapter 2 - Welcome To Your Prison

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The dome around the school was as thick as anything.

Marco had punched the glass endlessly for ten minutes with not a single crack emerging.

"This is going to take something much more powerful than human hands."

While Marco messed with the dome, Marcus was investigating the right half of the school which featured courts for Tennis and Basketball. The net for tennis and the hoops for basketball seemed normal, but what caught Marco's attention was the dirt at his feet. As he kicked his shoe over the ground it seemed to remove the dirt very easily so he got to his hands and began digging the dirt back, only to find a sheet of metal under the ground with dirt poured over.

Jacob had checked out the separate building on the left side of the school building with Adam. If what Monokuma had explained was correct, this was their dormitories and eating residents.

Inside there was a long hallway with a total of 16 rooms, 8 on each side of the walls, and at the back of the building was a room filled with tables and chairs, along with a kitchen in the back which contained dozens of types of food and cooking materials.

There was a separate door on the right wall in the room with the tables as well, Adam opened it to find a large locker room inside leading into a bathhouse.

Soon enough, Adam and Jacob decided to get everyone in the dorms for a meeting on their investigation around the courtyard, and soon enough everyone filled the room, even Benedict who had been throwing playing cards at the dome hoping it would break.


"It would appear the glass dome is too thick, I can't get us through without an explosive piece of weaponry and even then I feel it would only crack it" Marco said in disappointment as he bowed his head.

"There appears to be a few dangerous pieces of equipment in the classrooms hidden among the books, such as nails and hammers" Joy said, she seemed a little concerned.

"There is? I'm assuming you're worried about them then?" Adam said.

"W-well yeah, what if someone uses them to get out?"

Everyone nodded in hesitation as they were still unable to believe their situation Monokuma the teddy had surrounded them in.

"Well, what if someone chooses to use the tools in there?"

We all took a second to think, it was possible, there was no denying that.

"We shouldn't think of that for now, we still need to find a way out of here, if there is one, if we don't find one then fine, we can discuss some measures towards that" Jacob said.

"Then I think we should discuss them as soon as possible" Marcus said with a loud voice from the back of the group.

"Why do you think that?" Adam said.

"We're completely trapped inside, the dome around us is barely see through, we can see blurs meaning its most likely tonnes of layers of bulletproof glass, hence why even the karate guy can't get through. And, what I found earlier will show you what I mean too."

Marcus took the group outside the building as he kicked away the dirt, revealing the metal sheet which covered the whole ground of the courtyard.

"What the hell?" most of the students said at once.

"Most likely this is Monokuma's way to stop everyone from digging out of the dome."

Marcus kicked the dirt back and let out a small sigh as he met eyes with Adam, "Now you get it?"

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