Chapter 7 - Unexpected Development

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The next morning started without any warning. Everyone walked out of their rooms one after another and fetched their cereals or toast, and a cup of coffee for those who enjoyed it. One table had Frankie, Joseph, Carlos and Jacob. Another had Marco, Joy and Samuel who had brought the card game Uno from the rec room and were playing while eating with Marco still winning. Simon was at his own table, a chair missing from the table which Marcus had taken outside to eat alone. Abby was with Lexi and Adam, all three chatting about what they should do today.

And then everyone looked over to the fifth table, Benedict sitting with Stacey alone. Their eyes did not meet and they shared no connection, but the fact they were together at the same table without an argument was enough for confusion.

"Did something happen between you two?" Samuel said.

Benedict looked over as Stacy puffed her cheeks lightly, "what do you mean?"

Abby leaned over with a smile on her lips, "you were her worst enemy out of us earlier. Don't tell me, does she have feelings for you?"

A laugh escaped Abby which made Stacey stare at the girl with annoyance, her foot kicking Benedict who yelped in pain.

"What was that for?!"

Stacey ignored him.

Jacob rolled his eyes and decided to go get more coffee as Lexi leant over to Abby and Adam, "Care to go to the gymnasium?"

"For what, I hate sports" Abby said.

"Well I was thinking we could just find something to do, you know, throw a ball or something."

"Better than sitting here, I suppose" Adam said as he stood to his feet, "I'd rather be active than bored."

He made his way out of the dormitory as Lexi and soon Abby followed.

"Should we do anything?" Carlos said as he leant over to Marco.

Marco stared at the boy with a raised eyebrow, "Me?"

"Well yeah, is there a problem?" Carlos said with a smile growing on his face.

"Not really I suppose, is the rec room good then, it was fun in there."

Samuel and Joy immediately walked over, "Oi, we're joining too then. I'm not letting you continue your streak."

Marco cracked his knuckles with a smile on his face, "So be it," and so they left the dormitories.

Jacob walked out of the kitchen as he saw the four of them leave and his eyes noticed Joseph on a table by himself, his head down. Jacob hadn't forgotten what Joseph had said the day before about how he was scared. He set his coffee down at the table as Frankie seemed to walk over from the kitchen, a coffee in his hand as well.

"Say, would you two care to join the art room? We can have a art contest. It'll spice up the atmosphere."

Joseph's head rose out of curiosity as Frankie tilted his own head.

"I'm not the best drawer."

"You can at least attempt, come on Frankie."

Frankie hesitated but finally accepted, Jacob turning his head to Joseph.

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