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Most of the team was already there when we arrived at Mesut's house. Hec and Granit headed straight for the pool, dumping their stuff in a pile beside the glass sliding doors that led into the living room. Jack and Callum were already in the pool, and Granit yelled to them, asking how warm the water was.

"It's beautiful!" Yelled Jack, splashing Callum, who ducked out of his way with a yell of protest. "Are you guys joining us?" Jack continued.

"I am," replied Granit.

"I am," said Hector. "Nia, what about you?"

"I'll be there in a sec," I responded. "I'm just gonna go get changed again. Do you know where Mesut is?"

As I spoke, I felt an arm wrap around me, and I turned to see a shirtless Alexis Sanchez grinning at me.

"Mes is inside, talking to Thierry," he said. "You'll come swimming later, yeah?"

"Yep," I nodded. "Thanks, I'll go find Mes now."

"See you in a bit," he nodded, releasing me from his grasp, and heading towards the pool.

I made my way through the sliding doors, and around the house until I found Mesut, who was, as Alexis had informed me, talking with Thierry in the kitchen.

"Talk of the devil," smiled Mesut. "So happy you came, Nia. Are you gonna go swimming?"

"Yeah, I just need to get changed," I nodded. "What were you saying about me?"

"Just saying it must be interesting for you, being the only girl on the first team," said Thierry.

"Interesting is about the only word for it," I smiled at him. "They come and they go, but never stay for very long. But I'm pretty close with a girl who plays for Man City, so it's not like I have no female friends."

"In general, girls don't have the physicality they need to compete in these games," Thierry replied. "But that doesn't affect you so much."

"My physicality isn't the greatest either," I frowned a little.

"No," he agreed. "But you've got the agility and skill level to compensate for that. Still... you could be better."

"Doesn't everyone always have room for improvement?" I said, feeling slightly annoyed.

"You just have a target on your back," Mesut laughed. "Lighten up, Nia. I know you didn't come over here to argue. What were you after?"

I narrowed my eyes at Mesut playfully.

"Allow me an opinion, Mes. I'm not arguing!"

"You're not? Oh, okay, I hadn't noticed," he chuckled.

"Anyway," I sighed, continuing with my question, "I came to ask if I could borrow a room to get changed in."

"Of course you can, you don't need to ask," he smiled. "Just use the guest bathroom, you know where it is."

"Thank you," I nodded.

I turned away from the two of them, and as I headed towards the bathroom, I could feel Thierry's eyes boring holes in the back of my head. What was up with him? How could he act like he knew me so well when we'd barely even met each other? It bothered me. I washed my face at the sink in the bathroom, and then changed back into my training shorts.

I myself liked to study other people's personalities, and subconsciously categorise them, and it annoyed me that he thought he could come to a conclusion about who I was after so short an acquaintance. However, I endeavoured to control my emotions, before leaving the bathroom, wishing to avoid further interrogation from Granit and Hector. I made my way outside to the pool again, leaving my bag beside my best friends' stuff.

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