Twenty four

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A/N: oh hello who's this? *insert heart eyes*

Football training was weird over Christmas and New Years. We'd drawn Juventus in the round of 16 in the champions league, and we were working hard in anticipation of the first leg, which was in February, after the international break. Neymar and I were distant, but at the same time, we weren't. We still spoke occasionally, just never about the things that really mattered to both of us.

Everyone was tired. The games had come thick and fast over the past couple months, and sometimes with very few days in between, but we were flying. On top of that, Chelsea and United were out of form, and had dropped out of the title race for the time being. Liverpool and City had been neck and neck for at least three months now, each waiting for the other to slip up so they could pull in front. We were all alone in third - seven points behind, and eight points ahead of fourth placed Tottenham, who were doing what they do best - stagnating. The international break seemed to be exactly that - a break. Only two games in nearly three weeks was a welcome change, and by the time we came back we were ready to hit the ground running once again.

'Hey, I'm in London for a game at the end of next week, can we meet up? I got things I want to say.'

"What the hell?" I frowned, staring at the message.

It was a couple days after the break, and I was sitting in the changing rooms checking my phone after training, when the message came through.

"What's up?" Asked Zara.

The two of us were the only ones left in the changing rooms, all the guys had gone to lunch already.

"Cris wants to meet up so we can talk," I said, feeling puzzled.

"Cris, as in... Ronaldo?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I barely know him."

"Maybe it's about one of the City girls?" She suggested. "You're close with them, aren't you?"

"Yeah? Maybe," I shrugged, not seeing why it would be.

I left replying until later, wanting to think about it first, and wondering what on earth he wanted to say that couldn't be said on the phone or over text.

"Okay, you are seriously acting weird, what is wrong with you?" Hector finally asked me, as we were heading home from training.

I debated telling them or not, and then decided I could do with a second opinion. I explained about the text I'd received, and why I hadn't replied yet.

"Why don't you just ask Anya?" Granit suggested. "If something's up she'd know about it."

"Yeah, but what if this is about her?" I said. "I don't what to tell her til I know what it is."

"That's a good point," Granit nodded thoughtfully.

"Just tell him you'll meet him, Nia," Hector said. "What harm can it do?"

"I guess," I shrugged, looking at the message for the tenth time.

I finally tapped out a reply, and sent it, agreeing to meet him at my house when he came to London. I now had a week and a half of suspense before me. Whatever it was, it must be something important. I resolved to put the matter out of my mind as best as I could. Speculating wouldn't help me.


"Why are we in here?" I frowned, looking around Thierry's office in some confusion.

Thierry wanted to work on my shooting with me, and I didn't see how we were going to do it in here, unless he was keen on broken windows.

"Because I want to talk to you first," he said, seating himself in his chair. "Sit down," he nodded to the other chair in the room, and I did so. "Nia, we both know you can shoot. You do it every day in training, and I'm telling you right now, if you could replicate this in a game you'd be unstoppable. So the question is, why can't you?"

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