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Maybe it's depressing to say that the best day I've ever had has already happened even though I'm not even halfway through my life yet. If you see it as a depressing thought, I pity you. If your finest moment happens at the end of your days on earth, you have so little time to look back on the happiest memory you will ever gain.

That being said, most people are surprised when I tell them that the day in question was not the day we won the champions league final. Nor was it the following few days, which continued the feeling of intense euphoria. We paraded the streets of London in open air busses, whilst the fans sang to their hearts content, and painted the walls of the city with bright red flares. The noise was deafening, but nobody minded. The whole team was on such a high that none of us could really comprehend what was actually happening - that this was us, the people who'd battled along side us over the past year. We'd achieved something together that no Arsenal squad had done before. It was the most I'd cried in a long time.

Alexis was the one who finally brought us back to earth. The whole team, including the boss, the coaches, and staff had planned to have an informal dinner at one of the function rooms at the Emirates, a week or so after we got home from the final. The room was decorated in red, (surprise surprise) with balloons and streamers everywhere, and glitter all over the floor. The walls were scattered with photos from every stage of the season, and the large windows which ran along one side of the room looked out over the pitch. Even the food was all red, or at least vaguely orange, and the chefs had tried to run with the idea in making us an array of curries and tomato dishes. The rice for the curry had red food colouring in it, which made me laugh when I saw it. When it was all laid out in the room ready to go, it looked an incredible sight.

The Champions League trophy was, of course, in the centre of the room. All of us were inevitably drawn to it, and Hector was taking even more photos, because of course you can never have too many. He, Granit and Mesut were pretending to kiss their own reflections in the metal, having given me the phone to take a photo, and Alexis was with us, wasting no breath in telling them how much they looked like complete melts. Pretty soon, Neymar was done inspecting all the food and came over to join us. He slung an arm casually around my neck, before reaching over to Alexis and doing the same thing.

"We are gonna be unstoppable next season," he said, looking at the two of us.

I grinned at him, until I noticed that Alexis had looked away, and I could sense him stiffen a little.

"Lex?" I asked quietly, as Hector, Granit and Mesut looked on.

"I, Uh... I made the decision today. I'm leaving this summer."

There was a stunned silence.

"...oh," Said Neymar, dumbfounded.

"Where to?" I asked gently, trying to give him an encouraging look.

Everyone was freaking out internally, and I didn't want him to feel guilty about his decision for his career.

"United," he told us, in a quiet voice.

"Wow, Okay," Said Mesut, at last. "I mean... that's great for you bro, but we'll miss you."

"I'll miss you guys too," he smiled a little ruefully. "But, you know... I needed a change. Physically, Arsenal is great, but mentally and emotionally, I need to move on. Not just that, but I want a new challenge, I want to meet new people. And it's no one's fault, before you start blaming yourself," he glanced at me.

I gulped. It may not be my fault, but I knew I was without doubt a contributing factor. No matter what he said, I would probably always feel a little guilty for what happened between us.

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