Twenty one

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Well. It was a rough game.

The three points meant a lot to both teams, and consequently the fouls and yellow cards came thick and fast. I was feeling uneasy. I wasn't on a yellow, but Ney and Lex were, and I could feel the frustration rolling off them in waves as the game progressed, and neither team could break the deadlock.

It was almost half time, and I was watching Mes with the ball. In the midst of all the chaos, he was as cool as a cucumber, and one of the few of us without a yellow already. He played a quick one two with Jack, and pushed the ball forward to Neymar on the left. Neymar flicked it past his defender, and might have broken free, but Ashley Young, United's full back, only just made it there. He flew into Neymar's path, and it did see like he intended to go for the ball. However, in his haste he was wildly inaccurate, and his boots collided directly with Neymar's ankle, knocking him to the ground. The whistle blew instantly, the ref had been almost right beside them, and it was a nasty tackle. Ashley stood up, looking guilty as sin, however Neymar, after attempting to stand, his eyes widened in pain as he tried to put pressure on his foot, and stayed down. He wasn't carrying on like he'd been shot, as was his habit, but I could see his face was screwed up in pain, and he was holding his ankle. I felt alarm flooding my senses, and immediately ran over to him.

"Neymar!" I yelled.

"Leave him," Ashley rolled his eyes. "Tackle wasn't that hard."

"Are you joking? Trust me, I know him, he's actually hurt," I glared at Ashley.

He didn't react well to that, and shoved me away from Neymar angrily.

"You don't need to defend your boyfriend, let him get up and do it himself!"

Granit was there before I could retaliate, pulling me behind him, and shoving Ashley back.

"Don't you touch her!" He glared at him.

"Granit, don't," I warned him, as the ref separated the two of them.

He merely glared savagely at the two boys like they were school kids who'd interrupted his lesson, and went to deal with Neymar first.

"Ney, are you okay?" I asked, kneeling beside him on the ground.

"My ankle," he winced. "Twisted, or sprained, or something. He hit me and I fell funny."

I glanced towards the bench, where the gaffer had sent Welbz to warm up ready to replace Neymar.

"You'll be okay," I smiled at him weakly. "Just rest it, yeah?"

"I don't want to go off," he whined.

"Well, can you walk on it?"

"No," he shook his head miserably.

I rolled my eyes at him, and looked up to see the ref calling the medics over.

"There's your answer then."

"Hey," he said, reaching up to touch my face, and drawing my attention back to him.


"He called me your boyfriend."

"That's what you're worried about?" I laughed.

"I'm not worried at all, worried just isn't the right word for it!" He smirked.

"Okay, my sympathy is gone, get out of here you idiot," I giggled.

As Neymar was helped off the pitch, I turned to see what the ref was going to do with Granit and Ashley. He felt in his back pocket, and producing his much used yellow card, showed it to Ashley. Ashley bowed his head in acceptance, he was lucky to get away with only a yellow, and he knew it. Then the ref turned on Granit, and I held my breath. Another yellow would mean he'd be sent off, and we couldn't afford to go one player down in this game. But sure enough, the ref produced his yellow again, and Granit shook his head at him, and turned to smirk at me, as the crowd roared at the referee. I just laughed, because what else could I do? Granit shouldn't have shoved him, but giving a second yellow seemed a bit harsh. When the red card finally appeared, Granit turned and headed off, clapping sarcastically.

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