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We reached our hotel, and I noticed that most of the lights were out already. It was pretty late - if it wasn't past midnight before, it definitely was now. We said goodbye to Neymar, (he wasn't staying at the hotel of course) and left him to drive himself home. We then entered the deserted hotel lobby. Hector nodded goodnight to us - he was still on the phone, and disappeared up the stairs.

"If he thinks I'm following him he's wrong," I stated, tiredly.

"Elevator it is then," Lex chuckled, as we headed towards the area where they reached the lobby. He pressed the up button, and we waited whilst it descended.

"Are you floor three as well?" I asked him.

"Four," he shook his head. "But I can walk you to your room."

"Thank you," I nodded, too tired to object. He'd ignore me anyway.

I almost tripped walking into the elevator, when it finally arrived at ground level, and Alexis chuckled at me.

"Don't laugh at me," I complained. "I was about to go to bed before you showed up, I'm exhausted."

"Aw, I know, you told me earlier," he smiled. "Come here."

He pulled me to him, as the elevator doors snapped shut, and it began to rise. I rested my head on his chest tiredly.

"I like tired Nia," he mumbled into my hair. "She's cute."

"What?" I asked, raising my head to look at him.

My thoughts immediately shot to the last time I'd heard someone pay me that compliment.

Wait, what?

"Nothing," Alexis shook his head, smiling at me.

His brown eyes looked tired too, and his hair was a little messed up from the soft wind that had been blowing outside.

"I heard what you said," I murmured, realising how close we were as his eyes flicked to my lips.

He seemed to realise it too. He dipped his head towards mine, and I felt like everything began to travel in slow motion.

Then the elevator dinged, which startled me, and suddenly feeling embarrassed, I turned my head away. Time resumed its normal pace.

I heard him sigh, as the doors slid open to reveal an empty hallway. He pressed a kiss to my temple, running a finger along my hairline, and tucking a few loose strands behind my ear.

"For the record," I said, "I quite like tired Alexis too."

He laughed, dispelling the slight awkwardness we'd created.

"Come on, let's go before the door closes again."


Getting up for training the next morning was hard, perhaps due to my mind being filled with the almost-kiss moment we'd had last night. I wasn't sure why I pulled away, and I hoped that things wouldn't be awkward between us today. Anyway, I somehow managed to drag myself out of bed without descending into overthinking once again. I awoke too late for my usual morning run to be possible, but luckily with just enough time to order and eat room service, and get dressed. I was just on the point of grabbing my phone and my gym bag, ready to head down to the bus, when there was a knock at my door. I opened it to see Alexis standing in the hall, his gym bag over his shoulder, a take-out cup of coffee in each hand.

"Morning," he smiled happily at me. "I figured you'd need this today."

"You're right, I do," I responded, surprised. "Thank you so much, Lex."

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