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Ugh look at him <3

Neymar and I were the last ones to enter the change rooms, and Alexis eyed us both with a slight hint of suspicion, which to be honest, surprised me a little. Suspicion was very far from his nature.

"You guys took forever, where were you?" He asked.

"Just talking," I responded, choosing not to reveal the contents of our discussion to all our teammates.

If Neymar wanted to, it would be his place to reveal it, not mine. Neymar merely shook his head, however, and Alexis looked a little annoyed with him.

"It's nothing to worry about Lex, I promise," I said to him.

"Okay," he nodded, raising an eyebrow.

I think he believed me, thankfully, and I sighed as I went to my locker, which was between Hector and Granit, like it had always been. I hated that I felt guilty for having a private discussion with Neymar, but something inside of me was telling me that Alexis was right to feel suspicious at our behaviour. I knew it was completely false - we really had only talked about football. So why was I feeling like this? I felt emotionally drained, not that anything big had happened, but a million little things were occupying my thoughts, and I just wanted to get away from it all for a while.

"Hey Nia, why don't we do something this afternoon?" Hector asked me. "We never hang out anymore."

"Hec, I'm exhausted," I smiled at him sadly, knowing he'd understand. "Can we do something tomorrow? I'm sorry."

"Of course," he nodded, his expression changing to one of sympathy, and put his arms around me.

"Are you okay?" Asked Granit, looking at me seriously. "Just come and talk to us if you need to. Honestly, don't think anything with the three of us will change just because suddenly there's other people in your life."

"I think I'll be okay, thanks you guys," I gave them both a smile, and Granit messed my already messy hair. "I think I just need to have a lazy day. I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow."

"Okay," both of them nodded.

Hector released me, and I quickly hopped in the shower, and closed the door behind me, so I could rinse off in privacy. I normally preferred to go home and shower, unless I was staying around longer to review my match performance or eat in the club's restaurant, but although I normally did my match review the day after a game, I knew I would never be focussed enough to benefit from it today. I'd do it tomorrow.

After enjoying the feeling of the warm water running over my head and shoulders for a while, I turned off the shower and dressed again, before leaving the cubicle. I grabbed my bag and prepared to head for home, before a pair of arms pulled me back, and wrapped around me.

"Nia, are you okay?" Asked Alexis.

I twisted in my arms so that I was facing him. His brown eyes were filled with concern, and it brought a small smile to my face.

"I'm better now."

"Do you wanna go home and cuddle?" He asked me.

I hesitated, before nodding. That was exactly what I wanted to do. But...

"Lex don't you normally do your double session today?"

Alexis did a lot of extra work on his striking, and I knew that he did it today, because we'd finish at the same time and drive home together.

"I can do it another day," he smiled.

"We have attacking training tomorrow," I reminded him, "you'll be exhausted."

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