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I got out of the car and saw a huge house in front of me. It is way bigger and more modern than our last one.
I couldn't believe that I was going to live in this house and this beautiful neighborhood.

"Come on Ally help us with the boxes" my mom said.
"Okay" I said and went back to the car.

I took most of the boxes in my room but I was to tired to unpack them all.
I decided to lay down a little bit while I got a message from my friend Lauren.

Lauren: hey did u guys arrived?

Me: yeah we're there now

Lauren: I already miss u😭

Me : too , I wish you were here.

Lauren : I don't care how far we are from each other you're still gonna be my
Nr.1 bisch 😑

Me: same for you ♥️

Lauren is like a sister to me. She was always there for me since day one . We were friends since first grade until now but I think it doesn't matter how long you have been friends with someone as soon as one  of them moves or changes the school you're got gonna be much in contact anymore. It's always like that .


Anyways i decided to go out a little bit to get some fresh air .
This place is so peacefully and I really like it.
I went to Starbucks and bought a coffee .
I decided to walk at the beach a little bit and saw some guys surfing and having fun.
One of the guys made some cool stunts and I was pretty impressed . I kept looking at him while I was walking until some douchebag bumped into me.

" Yo watch where you going " a male voice said. I look up and see a tall guy with brown greenish eyes. He has brown hair with some blond highlights. And his jawline though. Damn.
I kept staring at him without saying a word because I was distracted from his hotness.

*God Ally stop staring at him like an idiot he bumped into you.*

"Excuse me , you're the one who bumped into me so you should watch where you're going " I said with a straight face .
He looked at me and started to laugh a little bit .
He got really close to my face which was pretty intimidating but I had to stay serious because I had to show him that I'm right .
"Maybe you should stop staring at the guys in the water next time when you walk and look on your way instead " he whispered and walked away.
While he  walked away I realized that my shirt was soaking wet from my coffee now.
Well thanks.
I shake my head and walked away.

What an asshole.

Stupid  | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now