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I woke up from my annoying alarm clock. I love Mondays. God just someone kill me already. Before I fall asleep again stand up and get ready. I did my usual makeup routine you know just some mascara, blush ,highlighter and don't forget the eyebrows.
I walk downstairs and eat the awesome pancakes my dad made and head to school.

I walk around the hallway . I don't know why I keep looking around like it's my first day of school until I realize that I'm looking for someone . Wait, why am I looking for Grayson ?
I shake my head and go into the classroom.

After History he had English and now it's lunchtime yay. We walked around the cafeteria until we found a seat .

"Hey you okay?" Andrea interrupted me from my thoughts.
"What ? Yeah I'm fine what about you?" I ask
"Yeah I'm fine, you were just looking around the whole time  as if you were looking for somebody" she said.
"Ugh -no I'm not -it's "
"No no there's something going on on your mind , tell me "
After a few seconds of silence I finally spoke up.
"You remember the party last weekend? I met a guy his name is Cameron I guess and-
"Oh I now a Cameron he's in this school but he's just like Grayson and the other assholes" she says rolling her eyes.
"Did I say something wrong?" She asks
"No ugh I don't know if we're talking about the same guy but anyways ..the party "
"Yeah the party, what happened I couldn't find you ?"
"Yeah so how do I say this now.. he was trying to ugh.. well kinda forcing me to.."
Her smile fades away quickly.
"Oh no don't tell me he.."
"No no he didn't"
"Oh okay you were scaring me"she said with a sigh of relief .
"Yeah well he almost did but then out of nowhere Grayson was there and kinda saved me from this asshole"
"Wait , you mean our Grayson , the fuckboy, the asshole who-
"Yeah Andrea him, anyways if he wasn't there I would've been screwed and I don't know if they know each other but it kinda seemed like they did"
"Oh well if we're talking about the same guy then yes they do but they are not really good with each other after ugh.."
"After what Andrea?"
"I don't know if it's hundred percent true but there was a rumor that Grayson slept with his girlfriend and Cameron found out one day and since then they don't really talk to each other ... but Cameron isn't better I mean I can't say that he deserved that I mean who would like to find out that their girlfriend cheated one them with one of their friends "
"Yeah that's true , but was he always like that or why have they become like that?"
"I mean Cameron wasn't always like that he used to be a good person like anybody else , he was nice ,caring and a funny guy, but somehow after he found out that his girlfriend cheated on him he kinda became like that . Now he's rude and plays with girls just like Grayson . I don't really know why , maybe because after the break up, maybe he really loved her and after his heart was broken he decided to treat all girls like shit. But I mean that just how I think it might be."
"And Grayson?"
" I can't tell that much about him but he also used to be a better person I mean he wasn't the school fuckboy before but somehow after all he became like that , pretty much like Cameron."
"Wow " is all I can say.
"Anyways I gotta go now lunch is over I'm going to be late, see you later Al"
She said and walked off and I did the same.
But I have  math now so that means I'm gonna  be with Grayson for a whole period. I don't know if I should be happy or not I mean I don't really have a reason to be happy but whatever .

It's been five minutes since the period started but my left seat is still empty . Maybe he's not gonna come today . I get interrupted from my thoughts by the sound of the squeaking door.
"Sorry I'm late again"
A little smile appeared on my face after I heard the familiar voice but I didn't look up and continued to write .
"Hey" he says as I look up from my desk and give him a little smile .
"Hey "
He gave me a little smile back but somethings a little bit different about him today.
There was a long silence until-
"Hey can I borrow a pe-"
I already handed him the pencil before he was done.
He stares at me a few seconds until he slowly takes the pencil from my hand.
"You're welcome" I say and continue to write.
There was a long silence again until I finally spoke up.
"Hey ugh- Grayson ?"
"What is it ?"
"Ugh I just wanted to ugh ... thank you again for you know .. what happened earlier.. at the party " I say shy and wait for a respond.
He stares at me for a few second as if he didn't know what I was talking about.
"Ugh yeah no problem "he says quickly and looks back on his book.
"Do you know him?"
"What?" He asks surprised.
"I mean ugh do you know this guy, at the party..Cameron " I say nervously.
He looks straight in my eyes but I can't read his expression. He clenches his jaw now and I can see that he's getting mad. Finally he speaks up .
"Why do you wanna know ?" He says quickly and looks down.
"I don't know I just thought that you guys probably know each other because you came up to us and you were star-
"Can you just shut up already!" He raised his voice.
What the hell?
I just stare at him shocked. What the hell is going on with him?
"S-sorry I didn't wanna-ugh.. you know what never mind"I almost whisper but still loud enough for him to hear. I don't dare looking at him for the rest of the period, which should be over in a few minutes.
I hear the bell ringing and I just wanna get out as fast as possible but before I could reach the door my teacher blocked my way.
"Ally you're gonna stay , I wanna talk to you and Grayson for a second ."
Grayson?!? Why would she wanna talk to BOTH of us?

Everyone already left the classroom and until there was just me and Grayson.
"So, Ally I'm sorry to tell you that but your grades are very bad I had a look on your grades before you came and they were already bad and not only in math , the semester just started and if you keep doing like that you'll fail"
"Sorry I've never been really good at math but I'll try my best to get better " hopefully she'll believe me .
"Well Im a little bit skeptical when it comes to that honestly, that's why I wanted to talk to you two. Grayson I want you to tutor Ally for a while I also want you to prepare her for the exams which are coming pretty soon"
Grayson got up quickly.
"Why me?" He asks as if he didn't want to.
"Because you're a good student, even if you come late sometimes ,
that's why I think that it would be good to tutor her a while"
"Can't someone else do that , there are other good students, why do I have to waist my time on her?"
"Because I want it like that Dolan ,I'm done "
She says and walks off.
"Great " murmurs Grayson and sigh.
And there she goes, leaving me , more embarrassed than before.
There's just silence and the only sound i can hear is the ticking clock.
I turn myself to him and stare at him waiting for an answer.
He looks so pissed.
He packs the rest of his stuff in his bag and walks to the door but stops as he was next to me and turns around.
"In return for that bullshit I'm gonna get something from you" he says and throws the pencil at me I gave him earlier,but I catch it before it reached the ground.
"Like What" I yell before he completely left . He turns around and starts to smirk .
"Oh you'll see."

Stupid  | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now