Ch. 7: Broken Rule

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{Ross' POV~}

Words can't describe how happy I am to have Laura back. I was literally gonna go home today and think about suicide if we hadn't gotten back together. Yeah I'm aware of how bad that is, but Laura is my life. Without her I'm a broken soal, a sunflower with no sun, I don't even know, but basically I wouldn't be able to live anymore.

"I wish we could hang out after school." Laura sighs, nuzzling her face into my chest.

"Yeah, me too." I replied.

"I guess I will actually have to do my homework tonight." Laura says and I chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm still not gonna do it. I'm gonna find where my parents hid my phone and text you." I told her, winking.

She giggles, "Ross, I don't want you to get into more trouble."

I shrugged, "I can't go two weeks without hanging out with you or texting you."

"Looks like we're gonna have to. I wish my dad would change his mind." Laura groaned rolling her neck back. "I don't even have any friends to hang out with."

"What about Emily. Or Sarah, oh how about Brooke, or Rosie?" I suggested naming a few of her friends.

"Emily is going on vacation for break, Sarah and I aren't really great friends anymore, Brooke is always with her's so annoying." Laura whined and I laughed because her friends complain about her being with me all the time.

"What about Rosie?"

"I don't have her number yet. I'll have to ask her if she wants to hang out." Laura says.

"She's right over there if you wanna ask her now." I say looking in Rosie's direction.

Laura smiles, "Alright, I'll go ask her."

I gave her a quick kiss before watching her walk away from me. She sure knows how to work that ass.


I got home after school and found that I was home alone. I know Ryland has football practice. I'm pretty sure Riker is working, Rocky is probably with his girlfriend, and Rydel is most likely working or out shopping. I have no idea where my parents are though. But I don't mind being home alone, not at all. This just gives me a chance to find where they hid my phone and text Laura.

First I checked my moms dresser, this is her most common place to try and hide stuff from us kids. Although once we figured it out, she used it less. I don't find it in there so I check a few other places in mom and dads room. But I can't find it anywhere.

I groaned in frustrations after searching everywhere in the house. Mom took it with her didn't she...

My eyes took another glance around to see if it was anywhere when I heard the door open.

"Hello?" It sounded like Riker. I smiled to myself. Why not have a little fun.

"Anyone home?" He hollered.

I kept quiet hoping to pull a prank on him. Riker can be clueless when it comes to getting pranked. Rocky gets him a lot, now it's my turn.

"Ross, I know your here." He says and I groaned. How the hell does he know I'm here. Now how am I supposed to play a prank on him.

I drug my feet as I walked into the kitchen where Riker was grabbing a glass of water.

"How'd you know I was here?" I asked, sitting down on a stool.

"Your converse are right in front of the door." He answered, "But nice try." he finished with a smirk and I frowned.

"Anyways...where are mom and dad?" I asked. Rocking back and forth on the legs of the stool.

"They went out for the night. They said they wouldn't be back until tomorrow." Riker says and ideas race through my mind.


He nods.



I slipped on my converse and quietly crept out the door. Hopefully no one will notice since they're all watching a movie in the basement. I just need to go see Laura.

I had already texted her with Rydel's phone and told her to meet me at the mall. Delly is the only one who thinks is sweet of me to want to see her even if we're both grounded.

I arrived at the mall at exactly 8 o' clock. Right on time.

Laura was sitting on the bench outside, it looked like she was on her phone.

A smirk creeps upon my face and I decide to play with her a little bit. Quietly, I tip toed up behind her. I made sure she didn't notice me. She had one headphone in. Suddenly, I grabbed both her shoulders and she squeals, standing up as fast as she could. I hear something shatter and look to see her phone, lying in a million pieces on the cement sidewalk.

"Ross!" She grumbled, no longer scared when she saw me, "I just got this dad is going to kill me."

I felt bad now, all I wanted was to see her, "Baby, I'm so sorry I never meant for that to happen." I quickly apologize.

She sighs and wraps her arms around me, "It's alright, I forgive you. It's just a phone, right?" She says, looking up at me. I had to look down at her. She's so adorably small.

"I'll buy you a new one." I promised leaning down and kissing her cheek.

"Ross." She said.


"You missed." She finished. I gave her a puzzled look before realizing what she meant. I leaned down, this time kissing her on the lips.

We pull away after about a minute, "I love you." Laura says, still hugging me.

"I love you too." I replied, "Now c'mon lets go get you that new phone." I intertwined our fingers and we walked into the mall.

Laura held my hand tightly as we walked through the mall. Lots of people seemed to be out tonight.

"Wow it's really crowded tonight." Laura says, she hangs onto my arm and rests her head on my bicep.

"Yeah it is. Stay close to me babe." I told her stopping for a second to kiss the top of her head.

We arrived at a Verizon store and Laura looked around at all the phones. I think she already knew what she wanted though.

"So what one do you want?" I asked her, "I'll buy you anyone you like, even if it's one million dollars." I assured her.

"Ross, you don't need to buy it for me. I have my own money." She said, continuing to look around.

"But I broke your phone. So I'm going to buy you a new one." I insisted.


"Nope, I'm buying it." I interrupted.

She sighed and ended up picking out the iPhone5. I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and paid for it.

"Ross, it just doesn't feel right for you to but it for me." She sighed.

"Don't worry about it. I wanted to." I replied handing her the phone.

"Thanks," she said.


A/N: I'm sorry for this incredibly boring chapter...and a late update. But good news, I'm updating again TODAY! So yeah I hope that makes up for it. And I promise this next chapter is gonna be good. (;

btw this chapter wasn't edited very well so I'm sorry for any errors...


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