Ch. 17: What is My Problem

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{Laura's POV~}

Dad sat down beside me. Obviously he wants to talk. I slowly sit up and look up at him with my wet, teary eyes.

"Do you want to do something fun?" He asks putting a smile on his face. This is just a stupid effort to cheer me up.

Shaking my head, I lay my head back down on the table.

"Laura, c'mon lets go have fun. We both need it. You can even bring a friend or...Ross." Dad says.

My head shoots up, "Are you insane?" I ask him harshly. My mood was already changing.

"You just told me you love him." Dad replies calmly.

I shrug my shoulders, "Yeah so. I'm trying to get over him."

"And how's that working out for you?" Dad smirks.

My eyes travel to the floor as I face down. Why can everyone read me so well. First Rydel now my dad! Dad used to hate Ross! He used to stay out of my business.

"Why do you even care?" I snap at him.

"Because I love you and care about you with all my heart." He answers honestly.

"You never used to!"

"Well now that mom is gone-"

"Just shut up okay!" I yelled, interrupting him.

We sat in silence for a while. I would have left and gone up to my room if I knew he wouldn't say something before I go.

Finally I stood up and started walking away, but something dad says stops me in my tracks.

"He loves you too."


{Ross' POV~}

Rydel and I just got back home. She has been teasing me the whole ride back. Why did I ever call her?

When mom sees us she smiles and asks, "So did they like the casserole?"

Rydel nods, "Yeah. Daimano said he'd bring back the dish when it was gone."

"Alright thank you sweetie." Mom thanks her and walks away. Um what about me? I was there too...

Rocky walks over to me and chuckles, "Did Rossy go to his girlfriends house?" He teases.

Rydel steps in, "Rocky stop."

Riker comes down the stairs, "Wait Laura's his girlfriend again?" Talk about only hearing a part of a conversation.

"Yep." Rocky answers and I shove him out of my way also pushing Riker out of my way to walk up the stairs.

"So when she coming over!" Rocky shouts.

I can hear Rydel yelling at them now.

I sat down on my bed after locking my door. Everyone claims to understand my pain but I still don't believe them.

Someone starts banging on the door. Most likely Ryland, since we share a room.

"Dude open up!" I recognize Ryland's voice.

I groaned and opened the door for him. Right as it opens Ryland comes in and sits on his bed playing a video game.

Listening to all the sound effects was beginning to drive me crazy so I just got up and left.

All my other siblings were still in the living room. Right when I saw Rocky I could already tell he was thinking of more ways to tease me.

Once again I decided to leave. I had forgot that my car wasn't at home, might as well go get it now. I walked along the sidewalk for fifteen minutes before getting to my car. Unfortunately for me I forgot my keys in my room.

When Love Bites: A Raura StoryWhere stories live. Discover now