Ch. 8: The Note Again

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2 weeks later ••

{Laura's POV~}

Ross and I are finally ungrounded. And I couldn't be more relieved. I mean we did break our punishment once in awhile, but you can't expect us to live without each other completely. That's like me asking you to go without food for a year! Yes, that is how bad it is for me to be without Ross.

It's currently Friday. The last class of the day; health. I still don't know why we need to have health every year for a whole semester you just learn about the same things every time.

The good news is, Ross is in this class with me. He may sit on the other side of the room, but I can still look at him and admire his gorgeous features.

Ashley and I still aren't talking. I'm still mad at her. There's no way I'm going to forgive her easy, if I ever do. Rosie is now my best friend. We've hung out a lot and she's really fun to be around. She's in this class with me as well. She just happens to sit right beside me.

"Laura, you're so obvious." Rosie tells me. I turn to glance at her, she's rolling her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"It's so obvious that your starring at Ross." Rosie replies, holding in a laugh.

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "It's not like it's a crime for me to stare at my boyfriend."

Rosie laughs quietly and class begins. I guess I could say I'm never prepared for class. All my pencils and crap are still in my locker.

After asking the teacher to be excused I left the room for my locker.

I finally get it open when a hand lands on the top pushing it back closed. I quickly spun around and slapped the face of whoever just slammed my locker shut.

"What the hell was that for!" I shouted. I still hadn't even taken the time to see who it was, "Randy?"

"Yeah, hi. Thanks for the throbbing cheek Laur." Randy groans, gently rubbing his beating, red cheek.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?" I question him sternly. Keeping a hand on my hip.

He just rolls his eyes, "Sorry, Laura." He says annoyed.

I sighed deeply and crossed my arms, "So what is it that you want?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

It's quiet for a moment before he begins speaking.

"I need to talk to you," he pauses, "About Ross."

"Ross?" I ask, "What about him?"

Randy hesitates, "I think there's something you should know."

"What?" I was getting worried now.

"So I know I should have told you this like two weeks ago or so, but-"

"Just get on with it Randy!" I commanded, already sick of his stalling.

"Fine, fine." He sighs, "So, this happened when Rosie first came here. She walked in and Ross was starring at her- completely lovestruck. So I passed him this note." Randy explains, then passing me a piece of paper.

If you dump Laura for that babe Rosie, Laura's mine. ;)

P.S: Is Laura still a virgin??

A frown comes across my face and I turn and glare at him. Randy throws his hands up in defense.


"What did Ross say?" I asked him, obviously not very happy.

"Well he said that he wasn't gonna dump you and that if I wanted to know the answer to the last question I had to ask you." Randy says, a smirk growing on his face.

I frowned at him, "Your such a pervert."

Randy blushes, "So are you gonna answer the question?" He smiles, nudging me slightly.

Rolling my eyes I decided to answer, "No...I'm not virgin."

Randy smirks and looked like he was gonna laugh.

"Before you say anything, I was drunk and Ross was too." I blurted out. It was a lie but he didn't need to know that...

Now Randy was chuckling. I probably just gave him something to tease Ross and I about. Oops.

"Shut up." I whined.

His laughing slowly quieted and I quickly remembered I was supposed to be in class. I'd been out for half of class now.

"Shit. I'm late." I mumbled beneath my breath. I scrambled to get my locker open.

Randy chuckles again, "By the way Laura, this was my way of showing you my feelings for you." He whispers in my ear. I hear him walking away and finally it was quiet again.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, but this hand felt all too familiar.

"Ross, what are you doing out here?" I asked, taking a moment to hug him.

"You've been gone for half of class, I was getting worried about you. So I may have snuck out..." He says, mumbling the last part.

I giggled at his cuteness. I give him a ten for adorableness.

He smiles, "We should go back to class." He says, walking towards the classroom.

"Ross wait." I stopped him, he turns and looks at me.

"Yeah Laur?"

I walked up beside him, "Randy gave me this note." I told him, handing him the note.

When he finished reading it he ripped it up into multiple pieces.

"Laura I don't have feelings for Rosie if that's what you want to know." Ross assures me.

"I know, I trust you. But Randy says he has feelings for me..." I trailed off.


"Yeah...but I don't like him. He scares me." I said, nuzzling into Ross' chest. He wraps his arms around me and I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"Oh and Ross." I spoke, happy he kept his arms around me still.

"Hmm?" He was relaxed, eyes closed.

"Delly texted me earlier about sleeping over so can I get a ride to your house after school?" I ask, even though I already knew the answer.

"Nope." He said, taking me by surprise.


"I'm kidding, but I have football after school today so your gonna have to watch that if you want me to give you a ride." He replied, he held my body close to his and we slowly swayed side to side together.

"That's fine. You look hot in your football gear." I giggle.

He smiles, "You look hot in your cheer leading outfit." His smile had turned more into a smirk.

I smiled and he leaned towards my ear to whisper something, "By the way, your sleeping in my room."


A/N: This took a while to write but I managed to get it posted today. This chapter is helping lead up to all the drama. So be ready. What do you think will happen?

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